Ch. 19 Mercy in Battles

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"Dash, I need to be there for our warriors," stresses Vick. Though his body is leaning forward, his eyes, on the other hand, are glaring at the green-haired female who can clearly be seen flirting with other males at one of their campfires.

Wrinkling his eyebrows, Dash explains once more, "I get your frustration Vick, but she won't want to stay with any other male during the battle. Besides, we still need someone to keep an eye on her."

"Agreed," comments the bat beastman who was sitting quietly with them. "Our tribe females are known for their viciousness in battle, but that one, I sense that her viciousness lies elsewhere."

As the two munch into their cooked meat, the other into a bloody organ, Dash mumbles, "yet I can't reason why they still flock to her."

Taking a menacing bite into his meat, Vick lowly growls, "mermaids."

Both of them nod their heads except for Dash who personally believes the Fox Clan has even more beautiful females. Look at his own! The prettiest of all.

"Beautiful females are they, hardly seen... I wouldn't fault the single males for being curious about her," toothly smiles the bat beast, aware that his own clan hasn't tried to get near her.

"Yes, the beasts who we now know have a semi pact with the Ape Clan. And according to her she was to become their breeder," growls in disgust Dash as he pulls back to thinking about his female and instead remembering the warning their scout told them about the Alliance Tribe. 

Sighing, Vick gets up and nods his head in goodbye. After leaving Dash's side, Vick can be seen heading to sleep where Casper is keeping watch. After the female has been fed, she can be seen getting up and heading to sleep where Vick's beast is lying near the now frustrated Casper.

"Why him?" asks Dash to himself as he makes a perimeter check of their current place before heading off to sleep as well.

- - - - - - -  Warning: Slightly Gory - - - - - - -

The following morning, the warriors began their plan by first sending the croc beasts to the closest body of water near the Alliance Tribe. Second, the bat beasts along with the other flying beasts were to hide in the trees, some placed in possible exits, others nearer to the enemy tribe to begin the fight. Last were the land beasts split into attackers, rescuers, and defenders. 

Now, because they remembered the almost untraceable scent from the last attack made on the Clear Lake Tribe. They enlisted the Baturri's tribe to help in picking up any motion and body heat. Thus, each group had at least three bat beastmen on the ground so that they could scout ahead, around, and on the back for any possible attacks. Besides being honored to be recognized for their strength, they are more than anything pumped and ready to try all the delicacies.

Before commencing each provisional Leader spoke with their tribe, giving motivation and reaffirming what needed to be done and how. As they speak, the green-haired female smiles viciously at the implication that only the cubs and the females would be left alive unless a female desires to save her mates.

I would be foolish to even think that the Alliance Tribe wouldn't hear gossip of their coming. Hence, "I've let some of the trusted females and males know where to go or say when the attack commences," speaks an elderly long thick brown headed male as he gets down on his knees to the provisional leaders.

"Cataras, you can now either return to that tribe and save as much as you can or stay here with one of our warriors," speaks Dash as he looks down at the apparent frail elder.

Fisting his shaking hand, the elder shakes his head in no. "I've kept quiet so many many winters ago about what he has implicated and done. Nothing." With harsher breaths, he speaks,"nothing, will bring my female and daughter back. Nothing will let me finally die until I see him and their absurd rules perish." Looking back up at the glowing eyes of the males present, he hoarsely whispers, "I will return to save the others and lead you to them." Vowing, the elder quietly walks back to the Alliance Tribe.

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