Ch. 18 Pet Beasts are Mates?

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"Elias, Marte, both of you are to follow Leo and Radu to grandpa, eh Healer Liam's class," says Suki as she watches her cub waving goodbye to the curious hawk cub and the silently pondering snakling.

While Leo and Radu morph into their beast forms, the cubs who were left wondering about the upcoming class stopped on morphing into their own beasts when Suki spoke once more.

"Oh, since both of you are Sanvi's pet beasts, both are now official members of the Clear Lake Tribe... congratulations." Suki smiles widely as the cubs blush at being congratulated by the family's head female, then blushed even more when Sanvi started clapping happily at them.

"Congratulations Elias and Marte!" yells my little one gleefully as she then turns to her papas standing behind her and unexpectedly comments, "papas, please congratulate them too!"

Leo and Radu who blinked at their family's only cub's command, blinked in surprise then became thankful they were already in their beast forms. However, they couldn't stop their shoulders from shuddering while watching a red faced male and the rest quietly congratulating the awkward looking cubs. After the stiff congrats, the cubs immediately morph into their beast forms and rapidly began flying/slithering to the village with Radu and Leo snickering behind them.

"Pretty," comments Sanvi as she raises her hands up to her mama.

Lifting her slightly heavy cub, Suki had to confirm. "You like Martes's scales?"

Nodding her head happily, Sanvi smiles widely as she then signals to her Papa Croc who was taking care of his braids, "they're shiny and pretty like him." Tikvah immediately blushed and smiled in happiness while pretending to not overhear them.

Laughing quietly at the confirmed reason, Suki thinks back about how those two became her cub's pet beasts.

– - - Flash Back - - -

Now being able to hold onto her cub, Suki's nose wrinkled a bit at the telltale signs that her little one needed to be cleaned. Withholding a shudder at the baggy cloth/cotton diaper, at the corner of her eyes she notices the once boisterous Atlas sneaking away from them. Hmm so that's your weakness..

"Mami," whispers Sanvi as she tries to hold onto her tears.

"Shhh shhh, only we know. You'll soon be clean and we'll have a big feast," comforts Suki as she turns back to her males who were getting ready to leave the village.

However Suki immediately stands still when her cub yells frantically, "wait mama!"

Wondering if her cub was hurt anywhere, Suki's eyes slightly began to glow as she inspected the cub in her arms and by passing the obvious stunk, silently sniffed to see if she was hurt anywhere. Her inspection was halted when Sanvi pointed at the nervous looking hawk cub and then at the gloomy looking morphed snake cub who was silently trying to get out of their views.

"Stop" the shiny snake kept going. "Stop," her cub shouts this time. Noticing that the snake was getting smaller, Sanvi immediately screamed at the top of her little lungs, "stop scale beast!"

The pink snake froze and robotically looked back from where the little female cub was yelling. Suki knew from his half glowing eyes that the feral didn't know whether to run for safety or to return to the female cub whose papas (some already morphed into their beast) were staring at him like prey.

Knowing her little one's personality and that she wasn't hurt, Suki raised a hand to stop her males from retrieving the feral. "Snake beast, my cub asks that you come back." Aware of how the feral turned towards them slowly and how unnerved he must be feeling, she added, "my family and I won't hurt you."

As the snake slowly but surely returns to them, Sanvi points again at the hawk cub who was drumming his fingers nervously to his side without once lifting his head to them.

"Mama, papas, can we invite him and the other to our food?"

All papas immediately whiplash toward Sanvi's innocent question, eventually also making the hawk cub tear up at the unexpected special invitation.

Forget one pet beast! If what they heard is correct, their little cub was going to have two! Thought all the papas while speculating that maybe, just maybe...

Suki's eyes widened in surprise, she felt that she couldn't immediately respond to what her cub was actually asking. Taking the opportunity that their female was flabbergasted, Tawa took Sanvi from his female's arms and asked, "my little one, you wish to invite and give them our food?"

Nodding her head in yes, Tawa continues while withholding a sigh, "if you do that, those two will have to live with us and later when you turn to mama's age, they'll live with you as your mates."

"Mates?" Asks Sanvi as her papa's lips quiver into a small smile. "Mates are what we papas are to your mama. To live with, lo (clears his throat), and protect, those are mates. Are you sure you want these two to become that for you? Because they'll be constantly at your side, sometimes making you angry or frustrated or um... mad?"

Sanvi gasps at how mates can make someone mad. Did mama ever get mad at her papas? She then turns her head to her mama in question. If her papas made her mama angry, then why hasn't she seen that?

Suki, aware of what her head male is trying to do, tries to smile gently with her eyes closed at her sneaky head male and their cub. Patiently she explains, "mates don't always make you mad, they can also make you laugh. Living together isn't always happiness but the important part is that we respect and love each other." Now opening her eyes, she touches her nose with her cubs, "mates are here to protect, guide, and love us. We, as females, love and cherish them back."

Rubbing her cheek to her mama's cheek, Sanvi quickly looks back at the hawk beast looking back down at his hands and then at the now morphed hot pink hair snake beastcub staring at them in wonder. Nodding her head quickly in yes, she responds to her papa with a big smile, "yes papa, I want the winner of the games and the cute scale beast as my mates."

– - - End of FlashBack - - -

As Suki and the rest of her males each go to their separate activities. Leo and Radu have just left the two sweating cubs at Healer Liams tent.

"Ahh this place brings back so many cherishable memories," says Leo as he throws his arm over Radu's shoulder.

"Yes," responds Radu as he and Leo dreamily think back on how the class was shared with Suki and how many times she left both the Tribe Healer and his apprentice without words.

Though, thinking about it.. How did their Suki know those things when not once has he heard Lucy explain to them so explicitly? Shaking his head, maybe it was when he wasn't around? "Well, let's go," says Radu as he and Leo turn to leave after making sure that the once feral cub is behaving himself.

About to leave the tent, a gruff voice called out to them. "Radu, please meet me afterwards, I'll need your participation in trying out my new potion." Says Healer Liam as he smiles broadly at the skunk beast and without waiting for confirmation heads back inside to the tent where he began his lecture about the tribe's history.

Groaning inside, Radu glances at the sandy curly hair male who was obviously trying not to look at him. Sighing, he comments to the closest thing he's had as a brother, "it's okay to laugh but don't laugh too much or you'll be aiding me too."

Pffff, "I completely forgot about that!" Laughs Leo as he pushes his curls back. "Though, on a serious note, that might help you with gaining a mark?" Asks Leo as he goes back to being calm and playful.

About to shake his head no, Leo adds, "especially if gramps asks our top warriors to look for you."

Groaning, he mutters, "you just had to say that while still near his tent."

Meanwhile Leo smiles at him then leads Radu to their next visit, "come, we'll be late and I wanna get a good place for us."

Nodding away, the both them and a crowd of males can be seen walking towards the front of one of the two biggest dens of their tribe. There they will receive news of how their tribe warriors and allies are doing with the battle against the Ape Clan.

Updated on Feb 24,2023 only on w ww a ttp ad

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