Ch. 16 The Cubs Game Part 1

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"Sanvi is it, you have to try to catch either that black kit or that white kit," says the black cherry red headed eight year old looking male cub to the tiny ready to start playing looking female cub.

"Ok, and if I cat.." comments Sanvi as she tries to tap his knees yet was unable to due to his quick michael jackson style slide backwards.

With hair raised and goosebumps forming on his golden brown colored skin, Atlas tries to gently correct her, "for the last time Sanvi you can't for no reason touch me... and no, not even my hair."

With a pout, she asks, "because we're not blood related?"

The cub nods his head while the other two kits try to wag their tail to get Sanvi's attention to start playing.

"But you kissed mama's hand today, emm and you got carried away by papa wolf," says Sanvi confusedly, wondering why mama can and she can't.

Now beaming at the recent memory of seeing Suki's surprised flushed face, the cub responds happily and loudly while pointing to himself, "because I, Atlas, will become your mama's mate!" Then adds in a softer voice, "just like in our past life."

Bewildered, Sanvi's nose scrunches and straightforwardly comments, "but I don't want you as my papa." Honestly, she can't imagine this short domineering cub being her papa. Just by visualizing her papas towering over him, she couldn't help but try to hold onto a giggle. Her papas in their beast forms might accidentally step over him in a jog towards the village. She knows because she witnessed their ferocity not so long ago.

Aware of her eyes measuring his current body, the cub couldn't help but childishly respond back. "Well, I don't wanna be your papa either," and he sticks his tongue out at the much younger cub.

Now the kits have stopped wagging their tails and are glaring angrily at the wolf cub. With the growls and squeaks from both of them, Atlas puffs some air out and tries to calm down by brushing his hair back. Sneaking a glance at the cheeky female cub, he tries to explain, "what I meant was that at this moment I'm too young to be your mama's mate, but as soon as I get my first stripe then will I be able to properly court her."

"That means that you'll be my papa," deadpans Sanvi with bored dark brown eyes following the kits somewhat fluffy tail.


"Fine! Yes, I'll become one of your papas." Lifting a hand in his past life's universal stop sign which effectively helped to stop the chattering cub from asking another question, he adds, "I'll grow into a much larger and faster male, like you will one day grow into a, um, bigger female." Analyzes Atlas as he's aware that the horse beastmen is her papa, which means that this little cub may end up towering over him in height one day.

"Yay, I'm gonna be big!"

Squeak, squeak.

... "and fast," finally adds Atlas since the kits were giving him puppy stares to translate what they were saying.

"And fast! Faster than you!" she points happily as the black cherry red headed cub rolls his eyes at them till his golden eyes widen at this splendid opportunity to get the brat off his back.

"Yeah, yeah, so to be faster than me you gotta practice by catching them," he points at the two kits who were dancing happily with the giddy cub.

And so commenced the game of the one sided tag where Sanvi tries her best to get either of her blood kin. Unfortunately for her, the kits were too young to realize that she would never catch them and so they truly ran away from her till Atlas butted in and quickly made one of the kits fall in order for Sanvi to perfectly catch the dizzy kit whose legs were sticking up in the air. Not long after her cubbish female giggles gave to unwanted attention from the tribe's cubs who were awoken from their urgent mothers to head to the village. With this group of curious cubs there were also the cubs who were with the visiting travelers. You know what they say there is power in numbers, and the little female's papas surprisingly weren't stopping them from staring. So could they attempt a hello?

A brave little bear cub looks around and sneaks forward. The light brown hair cub tries to bring with him his brother to greet the female cub, but since his brother didn't dare, another cub from elsewhere went with him. Now a few feet away, the bear cub speaks. Unfortunately, because of his nerves, his voice squeaks, though that immediately gets the female's cub's attention who was huffing tiredly at the game she was playing. With pinkish colored cheeks and happy wagging tail, the bear cub attempts again despite the older male cub's cold stare, "Hi, I'm Hayes Jr., a bear cub, and" before he could ask her name the other cub who came with him adds, "and I'm Elias, a hawk chick."

Letting go of the white kit, Sanvi smiles happily at having new playmates, "my name is Sanvi!" But then her smiling stops as soon as she realizes that they're probably not blood kin since they weren't introduced by her family. Since she can't see or hear her mama and papas to ask them what to do, the little female cub glances at the older cub for help.

While they were introducing themselves, the ever watchful Atlas quickly searches for Suki's location and notices that they're aware of the situation. His dear Suki looks worried with hands clutching something yet she also appears somewhat happy at her female cub's interaction. Her males on the other hand appear murderous, yet are, for reasons unknown to him, holding it in.

Glancing back at the female cub's plea, at the kits cute growling, and at the two waiting male cubs. Atlas sniffs the air and pinpoints the other male cubs hiding behind a boulder. Now looking back at Suki and seeing her curious expression at what will happen next, then looking at the purple eye skunk beast's silent smirk, he finally gets what appears like a head nod from her.


Going from memory Atlas proposes a game where he won't directly have to get involved but will instead get some entertainment out of it. Hence the game of winning a chance to talk directly with Sanvi.

Sanvi, knowing that she can't play with them became excited that she could speak with other younger cubs. Clapping her hands rapidly, she and the kits laid on the grass while Atlas stood straight and howled with the voice his papa in this world gave him.

"Cubs who are in their First Phases please come forward if you would like to play a game to win the chance to talk to this adorable female cub born from the gorgeous and most forgiving Suki!"

The cubs behind the boulder immediately looked around to see if they could spot the female cub's mother. For where she was, her mates would be there also. Stiff frozen in fear they zoomed into a group of now scowling males with on and off glowing eyes.

"Do not worry cubs about this little female's papas, for her mama nodded her approval!" Shouts Atlas valiantly as he tries to hold in his smirk at annoying her mates. Who told them to always pull him away from his Suki. Bleh, unconsciously he sticks his tongue out at Adan whose ears were folding back and his teeth were elongating at him. With a mischievous twinkle in his golden eyes he goes for the pusher, "My dear Suki, would you please nod your head again to approve this game?!"

Every village member and traveler murmurs in excitement and stares at the fiery blushing adult female who slowly and mechanically nods her head with a tiny smile. Resulting in getting oohs from the crowd, cheers from the male cubs and little Sanvi, and murmurs of excitement from families heading over to get a good spot at the upcoming show.

Completely grinning, Atlas howls once more and loudly shouts, "let the pretend Fire Mating Ceremony begin!"

The travelers noticing they could make an income began shouting their wares while females began buying furs in order to sit comfortably on the ground. A few grown males can be seen rapidly going to their family cubs and giving them advice because they remember Suki's game from long ago. Behind Sanvi can be seen an adult fox female laying down a white puffy fur for the little cubs to sit on, while two of her mates can be seen rapidly trying to build a mini fire for their female blood kin's first play date. The few that weren't enjoying 'the show' obviously were all of Suki's mates, with the exception of a certain skunk beast fondly remembering how he and Suki shared their first memory. 

Posted on January 20, 2023 only in wwa tt paad 

Author's Note:

My internet finally came back on laterrr on this week. And thank you for those who went to check out the sneak peek at my instagram account :)

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