Chapter 40

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"Leila. Leila, wake up!" Luca's voice forced my swelling eyes open.

Luca was in his armor pants, shirtless as his frantic eyes looked down at me.

"What's wrong?" I grumbled, rubbing my eyes, "Have you gone insane?"

"Kate's gone," My heart fell out of my chest at his words, "She left a note on the table, but no matter what I do, I cannot get near it. I think she glamoured it. You've got to try to get that open,"

Without a thought in my head, I jumped out of bed; no shoes on my feet wearing nothing but shorts and a shirt. I felt nothing but pure panic, as though my whole world was crumbling right in front of my very eyes. Was Luca right? Did Kate take control of my wolf only to leave me for dead?

I stumbled out of the bedroom and into the living room, and low and behold, a wax sealed letter laid perfectly still on the coffee table. It was as thought the letter was staring back at me, a comical expression on its face. I wanted nothing else than to rip it into a thousand shreds. My heart could not handle another betrayl, and if Kate really took advantage of my kindess in such a grotesque manner, I would rather live in naivety.

"Luca," I swallowed down an array of emotions, "whatever the letter says, I don't want to hear a word about how I sold my wolf to a witch who ended up breaking me. Am I understood?"

Luca's jaw ticked, but he nodded nonetheless. If anything, he knew what I was feeling. He knew how robust my regret was; our bond was screaming with it.

Breathe, Leila, I told myself, just breathe.

With shaking hands, I picked up the letter.

"She wouldn't do that, Luca," I was convincing myself more than I was convincing him, "She can't. She hated the queen. She hated-"

"Open the letter, Leila," He interrupted, "The only way we will find out is if you open it. So please, just do it,"

Memories of my captivity in the outskirts rushed to my head and I couldn't push them back. If Kate really left to join our enemy, then my wolf would be hers, and if my wolf was hers, I was hers.

And if I was hers, I was a prisoner of the outskirts.

With bile rising up my throat, I opened the letter.

Dear Leila,

Urgent matters have come to my aid. If everything goes as planned, I will be back by midnight. Fear not, I have glamoured myself so that other witches are unable to see me, so do not worry about anyone even thinking about what you look like. The Queen bitch will never find you. Keep an eye out on the birds, and make sure your pheonix is near you. Word has come about that the mother of all witches has full control over the west. She is in their heads, making them relive their worst memories over and over again. That is all for now.
Please, Leila, keep an eye out on the birds. Fai is the only way you can make sure you are alive and not in the queens hands.
I will speak of my matters when I am back. For now, I am unable to.

Kind regrds,

At the sight of Fai laying on a tree branch right outside the cottage, I let out a much needed breath. My muscles relaxed. The hairs on my arms lowers and my heart calmed.

"She's coming back at midnight," I sat on the coffee table, legs shaking far too much to bear my weight, "She had urgent matters to deal with, and she'll tell us when shes back. At midnight,"

"Ok," Luca lowered himself so his eyes levelled with my own, "You can calm down now. Everything is all going as planned,"

His hands carressed my thighs, squeezing at the areas I'd tense in, "Calm down, Verde. I can hear your heart beat all the way here. When I'm here, nobody is going to touch you,"

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