Chapter 60 - The End of Leila and Luca

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20 Years Later - Leila

"Hassan, that was absolutely beautiful," I said, watching as he blushed - smiling warmly at the compliment he received, "You play the piano like a swan gliding through a lake - even better than I,"

His jaw slacked as his bright green eyes connected with mine - green meeting green.

"You finally admitted it!" He exclaimed, towering over me much more than his father ever did as he stood up in shock, "You finally admitted that I'm better than you!"

I gasped.

"Are you insinuating that you ever held the thought that you were better than me?" I asked, feigning shock.

"Maybe," He shrugged, running his fingers across the 20 year old piano keys, "Maybe I am,"

I noticed his eyes dull as he concluded his sentence, frowning ever so slightly at the mention of the serenades his fingers produced. Sighing, I squeezed his arm, compelling his beautiful eyes to snap back to my own.

"What is it, Hassan?" I asked, his pain immediately becoming my own, "Why do your eyes lose their colour as we speak? Why do you slug through your days when you used to waltz through them just 2 years ago?"

He shook his head.

"It's nothing, mother,"

"You are my son, Hassan," I began, "So if you, for even one second, think that I cannot tell whether there is something of the matter with you by the flick of your wrist then you best correct yourself," His lips parted at my words, "So speak,"

"This is not something I can simply speak of," He scoffed, "And besides, speaking of it will do nothing to change it. There is no point in letting my feelings be in the hands of other's who will not do anything about it,"

"I will do anything, Hassan," I said, heart pulsing with aggression at the sight of his distraught, "Absolutely anything for you,"

The sound of the front door being opened forced Hassan's eyes to disconnect from my own.

I sighed in frustration before turning, watching as Luca walked hand in hand with Alara; my beautiful daughter.

"She won the battle! She beat that northern brute like she was made to do it!" Luca said, pulling Lara's fist so that it faced the ceiling, "She's a warrior, just like her mother was. I told you, Leila, I told you she would beat him!"

Alara giggled as Luca placed his hands underneath her shoulders and lifted her into the air, celebrating her victory - a victory I did not wish to see nor desired to partake in.

Ever since Alara was born; she had an eye for all things sharp and shiny. She played with my swords like they were dolls and had the scars to prove it - one running right through her cheek all the way to the side of her jaw. I loved her to death - but her ache for aggression scared me.

It scared me to think that she possessed a desire to kill and to conquer. A desire I wished I could erase as the years went by.

She stood with all her might as Luca put her down - tall and toned with beautiful chestnut locks reaching the slope of her back and bright blue eyes just like her fathers. Her olive skin reflected the afternoon sun beautifully as her and Luca spoke of strategies she could utilise to beat her next opponent in the northern annual duels.

"Even more of a reason not to speak," Hassan muttered, pushing past me as he went to hug his little sister and whisper a word of congratulations before eyeing his father and leaving our home.

I pursed my lips, palming my heart at the sight of him.

"Mama! You should've seen me! I jumped and kneed her right in the face - just like you said!" Alara gushed, eyes sparkling at the pain she brought her opponent.

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