Chapter 12

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A cold sweat overcame my skin.

Slaiman Nour Al Haddad.

His voice was the rope and I was the bell being smashed. I only knew one person with that name, and that person was my brother. A man of grace, honor and goof.

My love for Slaiman ran so deep it hurt to even think of him; how perfect he was and how imperfect the entire world around him laid. He was an angel in disguise, not Luca.

The only thing keeping my brain alert, the only thing convincing me that this was not a dream but actual reality, was Luca's hand resting at the small of my back. The occasional swarm of warmth that would slither up my bend of my back brought me comfort; very slight unnoticeable comfort, but at least I wasn't dead? Right?

Memories of Slaiman proposing to me, showing me how a man should love a woman rushed up my mind. How he would tell me mom and dad had a different kind of love, one I should avoid. Memories of him stealing a wheelchair from the local hospital to give me a midnight stroll during the lunar eclipse when I was too injured struck me out of nowhere.

His kindness.

His beauty.

His brutality.

His death.

Everything crashed into me like a glass of wine smashing onto the ground.

It was hard to believe that all that emotion arose in just a second or two.

"Wonderful meeting you, Beta Slaiman. We hope you are comfortable during your stay at the castle. If you'll excuse me I must discuss personal matters with the castles guard," Luca pulled me away from the northerners, sliding my arm out of Lara's in the process.

I bit the inside of my cheeks to stop myself from screaming like a banshee. How was he alive? Of all people in our pack Slaiman was the least trained, the most artistic and a hopeless romantic. He was nothing like I. No. He was his own person.

A person that should have been dead. Not Beta of the north.

As Luca pulled me away, my eyes never left Slaiman's and his never left mine. Green meeting green. Two black holes finally forging into one.

The strings of my heart pulled so tightly even breathing hurt; the muscles in my chest too tight. It felt like a swarm of bees burst in the middle of my torso and left their poison to burn my vessels into ash.

"Luca," I whispered, "where is the bathroom?"

I wanted- no, I needed to cry. I needed to let out the vivacity building up in my chest otherwise I would scream.

"Who is he?" We stopped walking and I realised we stood in a corner of the ballroom, "the man you were talking to?"

I didn't have time for this.

Traitorous tears already began rising from their cores.

"Luca, where is the bathroom?" My body fell onto the wall, tired.

The room around me was spinning.

"I'm not taking you there unless you tell me who that man is-"

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