Chapter 28

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I was astounded.

The witch was crying.

The minute I entered the dungeon cell, the witch started crying. Big, fat tears rolling down the piles of wrinkles on her cheeks as her eyes ran down the length of my body. She tried her best to free herself of the shackles tied to her wrists, but failed miserably.

"What is wrong with her?" I asked father, heart pumping erratically.

"I don't know. She said she wanted to speak to you and now-" He let out a short breath, "now this,"

Gulping, I took 4 steps towards her- until my body was right in front of the witch, and squatted down. My eyes stared into hers, furious at the abomination that she was. She sniffed, leaning backwards so she didn't have to face my breath.

"You called for me?" I spoke, head tilted.

The witch flinched backwards.

"I don't like having my time wasted, knave. What is it you need?" A strangled sound came from the back of her throat, "Don't make me force it out of you. You mustn't forget that I own your soul,"

"Luna-" The witch gulped as a droplet of sweat ran down her forehead, "Luna, I am so sorry-"

"I no longer take sorry as an answer, witch," I heard father take a deep breath from behind me, "I order you to tell me the truth. Why did you call for me and what are your plans?"

At the sound of my command, her chest rose and her throat constricted, "The witch of all witches has placed a spell on me to never utter a word of my- my plans to anyone other than a fellow witch-"

"But I own your soul and you told me partly of your plans when you were in the castle," A frustrated breath left me, "Speak of the truth and nothing else,"

"That's because you own my soul," Her eyes shifted to the guards and my father, "but the bastards don't,"

"Listen here you-"

"Get out," I interrupted father, turning to face the men, "I will inform you of whatever is said tonight,"

His jaw clenched but he kept his mouth shut.

I embarrassed him in front of his men. I knew that judging by the redness that stained the tan of his skin, but I really, really didn't care. All I wanted to do was get this business over with so I go figure out why Luca was wearing armour when he left and stop reminscing about what Slaiman had told me.

"Follow me, men," Father gave me one last look - one that said he was letting my behaviour slide under the rug only this time - before he left.

Yeah, leave, I thought.

Once silence accompanied us, I stood up and faced the witch, "Speak,"

A shiver overcame her body.

My brows furrowed.

"The revolution-" She whispered, eyes red, "you are the cause of the revolution,"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I growled, "Stop uttering this nonsense,"

"I didn't notice it much in the castle because- well, I spent most of my days running away from you and anybody else could have had green eyes," Her voice faltered, "but yours are green. Yours are exactly as the mother witch described them,"

My fists clenched at the thought of a witch speaking of me, "You will tell me exactly why a witch was describing me,"

Her chest rose as I ordered her soul.

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