Chapter 57 - Filler

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"There's one last thing," Luca said, eyes glimmering against the night skies, "To me, it was the most important thing,"

I sat up against the chair, straightening my shoulders as I snapped my eyes away from the view of our balcony to Luca's eyes.

"Well then spit it out," I ushered, excitement soaring through my veins, "You told me of fathers illness, Slaiman's portraits, that wretched Alia, you imprisoning your mother and killing anyone who had relations with her, Lara's son who is somehow almost twice my age and more. I don't think I'll be surprised,"

His smile turned into a smirk.

"Really?" He dared, inching his face closer to mine.

"Really," I concluded.

"Well," He began, "My mother was never the queen. In fact, my mother is a northerner who's memory was wiped and banished from the castle after that white haired life prisoner found out of the affair her and my father had,"

My jaw slacked as I slapped a hand to my lips.

"What!" I spoke through my hands.

Luca laughed as he tucked a strand of hair behind my hair, head tilting at the sight of my shock.

"It's the truth. On the 5th anniversary of your disappearance I visited mother in the dungeons. She confessed to her unruly sins and told me who my real mother was," His eyes dulled for the slightest of moments before brightening once more, "Rayan Buloshi,"

"Your mother is a northerner?!" I asked, baffled, "This is- This is insane!"

He nodded, prideful of his blood.

"I must meet her!" I insisted, jumping to my feet, "I- but- I don't know how to cook so that's gonna be a problem. I'll get something from our neighbours next door- she can teach me a thing or two - Oh! And I need to get some new attire- those 7 kaftans in my closet are simply not enou-"

Luca shut me up by standing and laying a slow, sensual kiss to my lips.

He pulled away too quickly.

I stared back at him, dumbfounded.

"Don't stress. Mother can teach you everything if you want to," He spoke with a sway in his tone, "You could wear my shirt and still look wonderful, Leila. So don't fret about that either,"


"She already loves you, verde. You are the warrior of all 4 kingdoms - the mother of all werewolves. You are the reason she breathes and strides through these lands without a care in the world," My heart bloomed with a foreign contentness - as though a lantern were being lit within my soul at.

So I took a deep breath and allowed the tense of my muscles to ease.

"Ok," I nodded, laying my head atop his chest, "Ok,"

"She want's to meet you tomorrow,"

I sighed into Luca's chest, eyeing the full moon with gratitude before answering.

"Anything for you, hobbi,"


It was the next day.

I was stressed to say the least.

"Would you calm down, Leila! You can't season Machboos chicken with garlic! Punching it won't make it better- You put that in the sauce- Stop!" Lara ordered, grabbing my wrists and forcing them to rest beneath my hips, "Look at me,"

I did just that, meeting her frustrated eyes with my own.

"Take a deep breath," She instructed, watching as my chest rose, "Now let it out,"

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