Chapter 51

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Luca's beast screeched as the northern lands came into my line of vision.

The mere breath was slammed out of me at the sight.

It was greener.

The oceans were bluer.

The sand heightened in it's contrast against the sun.

Everything seemed so beautiful in my absence.

I tried to go back to the castle, but Luca's beast refused. No matter how many times I ordered it, nor how many pleads I made with the flying wonder, it did not budge. Luca's beast wanted me to go the north. In fact, it needed me to go to the north.

I prayed with every fiber in my being the Luca was with my family, for I did not want to bare the thought that he mourned for me in isolation for 26 years.

The worst part was that I could see it happening. I could imagine Luca drowning himself in paperwork. I could imagine him being unable to look at his traitor of a mother. I could imagine Luca's soul slipping through his skin ever so slightly – but I did not want to. The thought itself was too heavy to hold.

Luca's beast screeched once more as we reached the top of father's palace.

It looked the same.

Instantaneously, the beast shot downwards.

As the wind swiveled from my body and into my heart, I felt my wounds dry. I felt the blood of my enemies crust onto my skin. I felt the weight of the war – just 26 years later. It was only then that I concluded that it wasn't the wind forcing tears into my eyes – rather it was the past.

My past was never something I longed for, but suddenly, it was. I longed for it so strongly my heart stung with the density of a star collapsing in on itself.

I was beginning to cling onto something that was not even real.

26 years of fabricated memories.

It was just 13 minutes to me.

13 damned minutes.

My lips turned, forcing me to purse them in fear of traitorous sobs escaping the base of my throat.

Luca's beast landed right in front of father's palace, compelling the ground beneath him to tremble in his robust weight.

The northerners around me gasped, hands held to their mouths.

Children looked up at me, wonder saturating their glittering eyes.

I did not have it in me to feel anything other than grief.

"Could it be?"

"The mighty warrior is back,"

"We held her quarter century ceremony only a year ago!"


They held ceremonies for me?

A crowed gathered around me, wary of not getting too close to the warrior who had gone missing.

They were scared, shocked, and so, so confused.

As was I.

My throat clogged with needless tears.

"Leila Haddad?" A male voice echoed from behind me, "Is that you?"

I spun with whiplash speed, unable to recognize the foreign face in front of me.

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