Chapter 9

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"Can I kiss you,"

His words hung in the air, waiting for an answer; an answer that consisted of a three letter word indicating approval. Approval to take my lips in his and interconnect our souls evermore powerfully.

I, however, had no answer.

I'd only met Luca 5 day's ago. It didn't seem right to touch him just yet. I knew on the inside I sounded prude and futile, but I was still a woman of the north. There, no woman was allowed to rest with a man that was not wedded to her - punishment for such an act would be 11 lashes to the spine. It went the same way for the men, though for them, it was 16 lashes.

Mother taught me - she ingrained in me to protect my body from strangers.

And Luca, well, he was technically a stranger to me.

"I," I began, eyes staring into his, "I'm sorry,"

He smiled, shaking his head, "Why are you apologizing,"

"I've bruised your ego,"

"And soon enough, you'll build it up,"

My brows furrowed, "How so,"

"When you scream my name,"

"Luca!" I smacked his chest, eliciting his eyes to glow once more, "stop turning every little thing I say into something inappropriate! It makes me queasy,"

"You mean to say you want me to stop making you blush like this?" He smirked, "Never in a million years. Even if it meant you deprived me of your body for an entire weeks time,"

"Are you willing to test that theory?"

He stilled for a beat before regaining his composure, "Sure, I'm no animal,"

"Ok then," I took two steps away from him, "you are to stay 1 meter away from me at all times,"

His jaw slacked, "you can't be serious,"

"Joking has never been my thing, Luca,"

He squinted his eyes at me, jaw twitching as he attempted to take control of the situation. My mother told me that Alpha's hated it when they had nothing to say, that there always had to have the last word, even if it meant they had to take the wrong side to seem right.

"Before this challenge starts, can I hold you for a minute?" He asked, taking a step towards me.

"Make it 30 seconds,"

"Deal," He took another step towards me so that we were back to our previous position, chests barely brushing against each other's and arms swinging beside on another, "how should I approach you,"

"As you like," I smiled up at him, "starting now, I'm all yours for 30 seconds,"

"If that's all I get then-" Without another word he snaked his long arms around my waist and squeezed my frame; spreading a warmth I never knew existed from my core.

The butterflies that once sported razor edged wings now swam through my stomach as graceful swans. Feathers white as day with eyes blue as the East Sea.

Slowly, I wrapped my arms around his neck and dug my head into his chest, breathing heavily against him.

It was so- so nice. So ethereal. So peaceful.

Time didn't pass, only our heart beats did.

"Is my time up," He mumbled, voice deep.

I thought about it for a second.

None of us were counting.

So even if I said his time wasn't up, it wouldn't discredit my ability to stick to my word.

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