Chapter 49 - Filler

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Luca - 5 years after The War

"In total we've got well more than 4000 Rayan's," Alpha Bilal ran a stressed hand through his greying hair, "The good part is that there's only 38 above the age of 150,"

"You forgot the part where her memory is erased," I huffed, leaning back into my chair.

"Fear not. So long as a young witch cast that spell, it will be very easy to break. Leave it to me," Kate squeezed my arm, sending me a warm smile, "My gut tells me she's alive and well, so be hopeful,"

"I've been hopeful for 5 years and look where it's gotten me," Alpha Bilal pointed to his hair, "Hope is nothing but a scam. It's like having an arrow pointed to your head until the day you pass away,"

"Touche," I agreed.

"I ordered my men to bring me all the Rayan's above 70 in my kingdom. You best hope that she did not flee from the north during the war. Kate, please brew whatever potion you need to make. Do you- uhm - do you need a cauldron or any of that?" Bilal asked.

Kate chuckled, shaking her head in the process, "Nonsense. All I need is my head and my hands. I'll be off then,"

The once wicked witch shut the door behind her, enveloping us in an essence of thick silence.

I swallowed, suddenly uncomfortable.

"It's been 5 years, King Luca," Bilal rose a brow, eyeing me warily, "How have you been doing?"

"I've been ok," I replied, voice monotonous.

Bilal tutted, shaking his head.

"I can hear your heart all the way from here, son. Lying will only get you so far,"

It wasn't until his eyes travelled to my knees that I realised they were bouncing with incredible speed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He prodded, eyes swallowing up the mess I'd become.

I sighed, jaw ticking as I looked anywhere but him.

"No," I admitted, "No. I'm not okay,"

"And that's okay," Bilal let out a deep breath, "None of us are okay. As of now, Slaiman has painted 7 intricate portraits of Leila. Sometimes, he forgets that his subjects don't all have my little girls green eyes. He mourns everyday. I asked him why he painted her so much. He said it was because he didn't want his daughter to forget about her aunt,"

Slaiman has a daughter now?

"What about you," I asked, pushing the thought out of my head, "How do you feel,"

"When I'm with my kid's, I find it easy to push the hollowness out of my chest. It's only when I'm alone that I find myself weighing a thousand tonnes," He pointed to his heart, "Mountains of regret lay atop my soul. It feels as though it has just happened yesterday. Batool ushered me to visit her grave - even urged me to pray atop it, but to this day I refuse," He shook his head, lips pursed, "I refused to stand atop a grave with no body beneath it,"

"Her death-"

"Her disappearance," Bilal corrected, "Her disappearance,"

My heart squeezed at the mention of hope.

"Her disappearance refuses to register to me," I began, "Alpha Bilal, I can still feel her. She is not dead, but she is not alive. She's in Limbo, somewhere in the mother witches mind unable to hear the trumpets those wretched seers said she would,"

He let out a shaky breath, eyes watering.

"Well then. I guess we just have to wait. Time is our best, best friend here,"

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