Chapter 36

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I was finally in the castle.

A lonely chill went up the bend of my spine, forcing a tremor out of my bones as I stumbled straight into a cozy cobblestone corridor. Immediately, I wrapped an arm around myself, itching for warmth to grace my skin but failing to attain anything close to it.

My eyes swarmed the hallway and a smile immediately made itself onto my face.

It was the corridor that lead to my room. The first place I was able to sleep soundly in since the war- the first place I was able to rest robustly after 6 years of insomnia.

Keeping my footsteps light, I jogged towards the end of the hallway where my room laid with a small smile on my face. I knew I was there to visit Luca, but something in me wanted to revisit the first place I actually felt safe in after losing mother. Other than Luca's arms of course. My body itched to be surrounded in the silk sheets of my bed, to feel the stone floors under the soles of my feet and to witness the dazzling view I woke up to every other day.

It would be a nice start to the day- or end of considering the sun was setting.

I wrapped my hand around the handle and pulled downwards, entering my studio like room.

A cold wind rushed past me, forcing a second shiver out of me.

The castle felt awfully dim that day. Despite the light weight of the atmosphere, things were peculiarly quiet; slow. Almost like a blue lens was placed atop the eyes of whomever stepped foot into the castle. I expected a celebration- bells to ring and posters to have hung themselves up to symbolize that the king of all wolves had lived another year to rule.

That the king of all wolves was turning a new page.

That is was his fucking birthday.

Suddenly, I was angry.

Sighing, I pushed the door shut with my bum and stomped into my room.

The minute the locks clicked shut, a familiar scent rushed up my nostrils. A scent I adored with my entire soul; a scent I would die to witness every day.

My room smelled of Luca.

A fat smile made its way to my lips as sprinted to my bed and threw myself into the mattress. The mattress that oozed with Luca's wonderful scent and inviting warmth. I missed him so much my feet swiveled in the air. I missed him so much I fisted the silk sheets of my bed.

Fai was smart to fly off my shoulders and onto the head of the couch because my weight would have crushed her.

That's it, I thought, I have to see him.

"Stay here please," I eyed Fai, "I have a man to surprise,"

Without a second thought, I jumped out of the bed; all giddy on the inside, and ran to the door.

Just as my hand hovered above the door handle, I caught my reflection on the window. A frown made its way onto my face.

I looked fine.

Completely and utter fine.

I didn't look gorgeous.



None of that.

And I had the audacity to be mad at those who worked at the castle for doing nothing on my males birthday.

An idea popped into my head.

Lara's design room.

She left all of her old dresses in there.

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