Chapter 4

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MY HEART dropped to the pit of my stomach. Heat rushed to my face. I filet bile rise up my throat but gulped it down, refusing to falter in front of the alpha. He couldn't see the other side of me, the side I hid from myself more than anyone else.

I looked down and stepped back, only to have him grab my wrist and pull me closer, bodies flushed against each other's.

He was warm. So warm.

"What have I done?" His thick brows were furrowed, the bright blue of his swirling with concern.

He probably hadn't realized it, but his grip on my wrist was tightening by the second, almost as though he was afraid I was going to run away. My wolf howled at the action, turning my thoughts into a whirlwind of unrecognizable emotions.

The warmth he emitted was more than maddening, urging me to cozy up to him; an urge that was hard to fight.

In all honesty, I didn't know what to say. He hadn't done anything wrong. My head was just processing everything so slowly. Too slowly.

"Speak, will you?" His tone was anxious more than annoyed, pulling at the strings of my heart.

"I-" My voice cracked, "I don't know what to say,"

An uncomfortable silence enveloped us, filled with tension and unspoken words; his hand still wrapped around my wrist and my body still inches away from his.

His eyes watched my every move, re assessed the curves of my face and laid hypnotized by my green orbs. It's almost as though he couldn't stop looking into them. Every time he'd look at my cheek, my nose, my lips, he'd just go back to my eyes. Those damned eyes I ached to rip out with my bare claws.

"I can hear your heart all the way from here, verde," His voice was honey, velvety and smooth, but his face, it was a whole other story.

Upturned eyes, Roman nose, plump lips and sharp features that could cut through you like a knife.

I clenched my fists, hating the way he read me.

"I can hear yours too,"

"I'm glad," He said, chest vibrating.

His response evoked the tiniest smile out of me, forcing me to look into his ocean eyes. They were tired, dark circles shading the edges of his orbs. His skin was clear, but it definitely wasn't new; with scars littering his canvas like stars on the wondrous Milky Way which left me wondering, how many centuries has this man, the man I was supposed to share half my soul with, lived? How many lives had he taken? How much power did he hold in the palm of his hand?

How much blood?

"You're my royal guard?" His breath fanned my face.

"Yes," I said, tone shaky.

His scent was driving me crazy. It was overriding my ability to breath.

A look of relief passed through his eyes.

"What was your score?"

"199," 1 mistake, one that wasn't even considered a fault because I'd beaten my opponent. That's all I'd gotten, but the General thought otherwise.

"What's your name?" His grip on my wrist softened at the mention of my name, but he didn't want to let go.

I didn't want him to let go.

Why the fuck did I not want him to let go?

"Leila Haddad," 

His eyes darkened.

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