Chapter 23

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Lara was in the operating room. A total of 6 hours had passed as she laid in there, chest open and eyes dull as gray. The sight of her body, of the blood that stained the redness of her hair broke me completely. I hadn't realised just how much I valued Lara until she was slipping from my fingers, heart barely beating. Hamza was a completely different story, though.

He dismantled the chairs in the waiting room, slammed himself into the door of the OR in an attempt to see his female and grew monstrous. By dawn, he had transformed into his wolf; ripping his armor to shreds of leather and sparks of metal. It scared me just how much her absence turned him completely mad and made me wonder if the same was going to happen to me if I left for the north that day.

I fiddled with my fingers, eyes glaring daggers into the ground as I sat on the chair.

How long is she going to stay in there?

A hand rubbed my back and I shifted my vision to face the holder of the hand.

It was Luca.

"Not much longer," He said lowly, careful not to let Hamza hear him, "though I'm not sure Hamza will let you see her before he does,"

I leaned my head against his shoulder, hissing at the sudden soreness of both my neck and throat. Mother warned me that my body would turn painful after my marking, especially if my male and I didn't mate on the day of the marking, but I didn't mind it much. Lara was my top priority; my pain could wait.

"I have to tell you something Luca, and since the- the atmosphere of this castle has turned blue, it seems to be the right time," His eyes snapped to mine, shining blue.

"What is it? It can't be as bad as this?"

I let out a deep breath before speaking, "Father offered me the spot of Royal Guard back at the north. He wants me to come back home and," I gulped, "I think that's what I want too,"

He stilled, eyes turning cold, "You're leaving me right after marking me, Leila?"

"I'm not leaving you," I spoke softly, head tilted, "I'm just leaving the castle. I don't think staying here is doing me any good. It's not doing us any good,"

"Why? If it's my mother I can exile her-"

I shook my head at his words, sighing, "Luca, you can visit me anytime. You can speak to me whenever you like in here," I tapped his forehead, "the north is only 6 days away by carriage and 7 hours on wolf form,"

He ran a stressed hand through his hair, the muscles in his arms bulging through the blackness of his t shirt, "I don't want you to leave,"

"Judging by the look on your beta's face, I don't think I'm the only one leaving," I pointed to Hamza, "look at the poor man. Even the chairs in this castle are triggering his anger,"

Luca sighed, speechless.

"You can come with me," I fiddled with his fingers, as I spoke, "I'll give you a tour of where I grew up and maybe, just maybe, you can rest with me for a day or two. What do you say?"

"If I can come with you, I wouldn't mind," A look of relief passed over his face, "but will you remain in the north after I leave?"

"I think so,"

"Will I be able to visit anytime I want?"

"Why of course,"

"The patient's awake," The doctors voice bellowed through my brain.

I snapped my face to Dr Salvador who's eyes were connected to mine, "The patient requests to see the Royal Gaurd first," He said.

"I'm her male!" Hamza growled, "The guard is not even family,"

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