Chapter 33

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I woke up feeling heavy and cold. No cover laid above me to shield my body from the freezing temperatures of the outskirts and my leather armor was beginning to suffocate me because of how long I'd stayed in it. It was not a great start of the day; considering just how important today was.

Groaning, I pulled myself off the couch. It was only then I realized I was shivering. Immediately, I brought my hands to my lips and blew hot air into them, hoping to warm myself up.

"I was just about to wake you, girl," Kate walked out of her room holding a steaming mug, "made this so you wouldn't complain about the cold,"

"When did it get this cold here?" I asked, grabbing the warm mug from her hands.

"You're forgetting that it's still March. Summer hasn't approached us yet," She answered, "plus, I live in the north of the outskirts. The weather here is unpredictable,"

I nodded while taking a sip of the drink. Immediately, my tastebuds were saturated in a sweetness so warm it forced a tremor to run down my spine. Hot chocolate. Made by a witch. Never did I think I would be drinking such a thing but I wasn't complaining because it tasted so, so good!

"Could I please have the recipe for this?" I tapped my finger onto the mug, "please,"

Kate rose her brow, "Why?"

A blush settled atop my cheeks.

No way was I going to tell her I wanted to make the exact same drink for Luca. Not after I cried on her shoulder yesterday night. My pride could only take so much!

"It's for your male isn't it?"

My body stilled.


"Uh," I gulped, "no?"

Kate cackled, "You make a horrible lair!"

"Isn't that a good quality?"

"It's a quality that can get you in a lot of trouble in some situations," She place her mug on the table and slid mine from my own hands, "but the only situation we should be worrying about today is capturing that monsters soul,"

"But- I didn't finish my hot chocolate,"

"I'll make you five cups if you complete your mission," Kate assured, "now get off your arse and grab your weapons. We have a lot of work we need to do,"


We were 23 minutes away from Kate's house. I knew because I was counting every footstep we took further from the warm cottage. It was a foreign feeling being back in the outskirts- this time actively and purposefully looking for a monster to murder. I wasn't scared, but I was entirely confident in my skills to defend myself. Rather, I just happen to be there with two swords extending from my back and a dagger strapped to one thigh.

The trees seemed to have grown taller too; their leaves darken than before. A deep violet, they were, and their bark an even darker shade of purple.

Today was a good day. There were only a few monsters roaming the grounds. We stalked past the ones that were too large and ran past the ones that were too small. We needed to find a subject that was the same size as us- particularly one with 4 limbs instead of 7 rising from its ribs. It would help ensure that we could actually capture a monsters soul.

"Are you excited?" Kate asked, bumping her delicate shoulder with mine.

I shrugged, "I just really, really want to get it over with so we can have a plan. You know, so I can stop feeling like I'm passing through every day like someone's about to slit my throat,"

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