Chapter 5

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Qumar = Moonshine


"You made it! Oh, goddess, this is wonderful news!" Dalal jumped into the air, hair static as she floated for those few seconds.

"Theres something else I must confess," I said, eyes falling to the ground.

Luca Belluci.

Sure, I'd met him a whole day ago, but his face, his bright pools of amber-blue and voice of honey were etched into my mind for goddess knows how long before I'd fallen asleep. Farewell, Leila

Goddess, how he'd said my name.

This feeling, the feeling of mutual attraction, want and desire. They were all foreign to me. Never had I imagined myself fancying a man of royal blood, let alone be thrown into the new reality of soulmates, or- as Lara had called them, bond mates. I honestly preferred my term better than hers because it helped to feel some sense of purpose. That my soul wasn't just for me, rather I was made to complete somebody else's half.

It made me feel powerful in a sense, but more secure than the latter.

"What is it?" She asked, eyes eager.

"You mustn't tell anyone, Dalal," I looked behind me, to make sure the walls of my room hadn't miraculously grown a pair of lips and ears, "but I've found my bond-mate,"

She gasped, eyes glowing, "Who is it?"

"I'm not comfortable with sharing that information yet, it's only my second day here, take it easy on me," I reasoned, smiling as she huffed a hair or two out of her face.

"I'll respect that, but we have to ready you to meet the alpha today in the empty fields," She stood from the couch, "I'll get you your outfit for the day, I'll be back,"

My eyes watched her walk to the door, noticing an unfamiliar skip in her steps, until she left the room; leaving behind only the echoes of the locks clicking back into place.

I resumed my staring of the view in front of me, noticing a gleam of purple flash through the sea of snow covered roads.

With furrowed brows, I walked closer to the window, eyeing the gleam of uncomfortable purple. I placed my finger on the glass, trying my best to figure out what it was - all before it disappeared.

"Dammit," I cursed under my breath, my curiosity unsatisfied.

"I have the outfit!"

I turned around at whiplash speed, breath taken away at the surprise that had hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Is anything of the matter?" She asked, clenching the black fabrics in her hand.

Gulping, I shook my head at Dalal.

"There's nothing wrong, don't worry," I pointed my finger to the clothes she was holding, a desperate attempt at changing the subject, "I'll get into that,"

I took the clothes from Dalal without question and left to my room, locking the door behind me.

Silently, I began changing out of my nightgown and into the thick, black jumper Dalal had given me and matching black pants. They were warm, perfecting for the white hot cold the Lycan kingdoms winters brought with them, but they were dull all the same.

I'd expected their outfits to be a bit more than extraordinary, but I guessed my expectations were a bit too high.

My eyes caught the dagger that sat on top of my pillow. I'd chosen to sleep next to it yesterday, the walls of this castle still too foreign for me to sleep soundly in. Without a second thought, I'd grabbed the thing and hooked it to the string of my knickers.

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