Chapter 11

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It was the night of the ball.

Yesterday I spent the entire day sealing every secret exit and corridor that may or may not have lead to certain events taking place. Regardless of that, I did my job and I did it well. The Luna, that snake, approved of my work and said I was able to attend and sport one of her daughters 'futile' dresses. She said I was to have a weapon strapped to me at all times but I was not able to showcase the metal. It would alert those northerners, she said.

I sure hoped it did.

In the entire 6 years I spent surviving in the outskirts of the Lycan kingdom, never had I expected my pack to rise again. I spent those days mourning over the loss of my home, my people, even the 2 friends I'd made in my 12 years of living.

Excitement brewed in the pit of my stomach, accompanied by a nervousness i did not know how to subside.

I was going to meet them.

Though this time, I was going to be on the other side of the fence.

Currently, I stood still as Lara stitched a needle through the waist area of the dress I was wearing. It was that midnight blue gown I dreamt of the day Lara and I visited the seers; the one littered with ice like crystals at the skirt and laid tight at the waist up. I couldn't believe I was dressed so richly; in velvet cloth covered with stars.

"Your waist is fabulous," Lara gushed, tying a knot, "honestly, I'm jealous of you. Hamza also has one, except you're shaped like an hourglass and him, a sexy nacho,"

My brows furrowed, "Who's Hamza?"

"My mate, silly," Lara patted my waist before standing up to face me, "he's the northerner you cant stand. The castles beta,"

"Oh," My eyes rolled to one side, "him,"

"Yes," Lara rolled her eyes exaggeratedly, "him,"

I sent her a threatening smile and she cackled, slapping her knee, "I'm so glad you're mated to my brother, honestly-"

"Who told you that?"

"Calm your horses, babe, Luca told me. His chambers reside next to mine. The day you stormed out of his room he couldn't help but ask me 'why did she leave? I thought my shirt made me look powerful.'," She shook her head, her red hair bouncing on her scalp, "I didn't know why you left either, after he explained the entire situation, but I told him to give you some space,"

My heart burst with affection for Lara. I was about to apologize before she interrupted me.

"That day you walked into my work space, I knew you were- mind my words -scarred in a way,"

"How? I don't remember speaking of my past to you,"

"You didn't need to. Your eyes spoke more than your lips did,"

I let out a shaky breath, suddenly overwhelmed. It wasn't everyday somebody was able to point out that I wasn't a normal female wolf. That I had a past saturated with blood and gore.

"I can tell you don't like that I'm able to point that out, and don't worry, I won't speak of it again, but," She paused, eyes faltering for a second, "it's nice to know somebody else in this castle doesn't have a past as clean as my brothers,"

My eyes snapped to hers, curious.

She shrugged, "What? Just because I'm related to an angel doesn't mean I'm one as well,"

"I don't know why, but that just made me like you even more," I confessed, content.

"I'm glad! I swear to the goddess the day you walked in here I knew we would click. So let's get into that ball and show those pesky princesses how it's really done," She huffed a hair out of her face and slid her arm through mine.

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