Chapter 13

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Tell me what you think of my graphics! I'm a bit rusty in my skills since it's been months since I've handled photoshop, but this has to be my favourite one so far! P.S you don't need to imagine Leila as Bella Hadid; that's the beauty of reading. You are the illustrator of the story.

Please do keep commenting; last chapters comments made me thrilled. I love the fact that I'm able to anger you all with my cliff endings *evil laugh*

Enjoy this chapter lovelies!


"Will you be okay sleeping alone?" Luca halted in his footsteps; forcing me to stop with him.

He was currently walking me back to my room, somewhat concerned that I may have had a difficult time navigating my way through the castle taking into considering what had just occurred. Little did he know that Slaiman was now second on my list of concerns.

That old lady was first on my list.

Her and her damned eyes.

Her lilac dress stayed ingrained in my mind and I was almost positive that I would dream about it. My brain had a knack for doing that. It's just that the entire ballroom was filled with young males and female; the oldest one being that wretched Luna. So what in the world was a woman that old doing in the annual castle ball?

He snapped his fingers in my line of vision, "Earth to Leila,"

Dammit. I should stop all this fretting.

"What was it you asked again?"

"Will you be okay sleeping alone?"

I thought about for a second. If I were to sleep alone I simply wouldn't sleep. I would remain eyes wide open until sunrise came about and it was time for me to visit Slaiman at the roof. My mind would just continue thinking and thinking and thinking until my next mission was up.

"I don't know," I let out a breath, "Maybe?"

"So that's a no?"

"A maybe."

"A no. Got it,"

"Why are you asking anyway?" I huffed.

"Well, I want you to stay at my place. Just for one night. I'll take the sofa and you'll have my bed," Luca took my wrist in his hand before looking me in the eye, "please."

I already had the answer.

"Ok, I'll stay with you," His eyes lit up, "but I have to get something from my room first, give me a second,"

"Don't be long," I heard him say as I entered my room, grabbing the pyjamas Dalal had laid out for me on the couch.

She was a sweet girl; always making sure I was well.

Once I had my toothbrush, nightwear and soothing oils, I snatched the key to the roof off the ground and walked back out, ready to be surrounded by Luca's addictive aura. He had this ability to make me feel warm and full in my chest. He made the hollowness not so hollow, and I hadn't felt that way in a long time.

That reaction may or may not have been somewhat related to finding out that my kin was still alive, but still, Luca played a large role in the way I felt.

"Give me those," He carried my items from me with ease, "what's the key for?"

"I'm going to meet Slaiman at the roof today. He linked me and said we should talk,"

Just the thought of us meeting was bringing me on the verge of cardiac arrest. I knew that his tone on me would be cold, that he would speak to me like I was not his sister. Something about him had changed. His once-bright aura and paint-stained fingers were no longer present. Now, he was covered in armour and had a stone for a face.

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