Chapter 34

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Y'ALL IM SO EMBARRASSED I THOUGHT I POSTED THIS CHAPTER BUT IT DIDNT POST IDK WHY💀 I EVEN ANNOUNCED IT *sobs* anyways enjoy. New chapter tomorrow. That's if my internet doesn't fail me 😔

I ordered the monster to capture 10 more souls using my dagger.

It answered me. Even bowed before running back into the woods, my weapon in its wretched hands. 3 hours passed since I commanded it and it still hadn't returned, so my anxiety did instead. What if it didn't do it? What if it was lying? What if it was intelligent enough to defy me? So many what if's but so little answers.

I hated it.

"You're doing it again," Kate snapped her fingers in my face, "you're too injured to be overthinking like this,"

I looked down at my casted arm, then back at her, and shrugged, "You're never too anything to overthink. You just do,"

"I still don't understand why you didn't command me to help. How prideful can you be? Honestly!"

"You could have helped either way, you know? I don't have to command you to do everything," I groaned as I sat up straighter on the couch, "so this, all of it, could have been avoided if you helped,"

She gasped, offended.

Of course I didn't think it was her fault. I just wanted her reaction to take my mind off of whatever the creature was doing at that moment.

Kate swatted me across the boob, forcing a hiss out of me, "I may detest the fact that you own my soul, and I may have almost murdered your dearest friend, but that does not mean I would let you die,"

My head snapped to hers.

"And why is that?"

She let out a short breath, "You keep me company. I haven't had proper company in the last 18 years. It was always either me faking a new personality or me alone in my cabin,"

I frowned, "Can't witches be friends?"

"Witches are bitches. I don't blame them, though," She sat next to me and sighed, "the queen holds too much at stake for them. So it's best they don't maintain relationships or she will use us against each other's. You know, the casual 'I will kill your best friend if you don't give me your left limb,' kind of threat,"

"Very casual,"

My stomach growled loudly- louder than I had ever heard it boast and I blushed, smiling sheepishly.

"The hot chocolate!" Kate jumped from the couch, holding her long skirt with her and scattered to her small, wooden kitchen, "I'll make you some chicken soup and hot chocolate,"

I grimaced, "Do you really think that's the greatest combination, Kate?"

"Trust me, it's what I always have on days like this,"

Days like this, I thought to myself, does everyone have days like this?

I sighed and snuggled deeper into the calfskin couch, finding an odd comfort within its seasoned leather and countless dents. Counting the scratches on the couch took my mind off my injured hand and healing broken ribs- it took my mind off the fact that Kate put a spell on me to heal me. It took my mind off a lot.

Not Luca though.

Nothing could take my mind off Luca. Not even the fall of the earth.

He said he loved me. Did he mean he love me for being selfless, or just that he loved my whole? Did he mean he only loved me at that moment; when I was slipping from his fingers or did he mean he loved me the minute he laid eyes on me?

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