Chapter 32

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Felt like Luca aka my bf deserved a better edit. My last edit of him didn't do his beauty justice. The man playing him is actually Henry Cavill . He's a fantastic actor with an even better persona <3

Leila I cant stay in your head for too long, but please, come back home. You won't be able to reply to me since you're too far away, but just now I'm using every fibre in my body right now to talk to you.

My lips parted.

How in the world was he talking to me when he was hundreds of miles away from me?

The bond sizzled with a low fire, pulling me into his invisible grasp.

"Who is it?" Kate asked, letting go of my lips.

"It's- It's my male," I let out a short breath, swallowing.

Her eyes brightened, "I can bring him here if you'd like, but only for a few minutes,"

"You don't know what he looks like, though,"

"But you do," Kate urged, "give me your hands, I'll bring him right this instant,"

I need you, Leila.

I paused at the sound of a Luca's voice. He sounded so- so desperate and filled with fear. Never had I heard him speak in such a tone with me and I felt horrible that I was the cause of it. Yes, I did run away because I wanted to protect anyone, but I could have easily said goodbye before leaving. It was certainly bitchy of me to just leave a note.


My fingers twitched, itching for his touch. Itching for his eyes to stare into mine. Itching for his mere presence.

Please, sweetheart. Come back.

Without a second thought, I stabbed my hands into Kate's and looked her in the eyes, "Do it. Bring him here. Even if it's just for a minute,"

"Close your eyes this time and imagine your male as clearly as you can,"

I did as she asked and shut my eyes.

She whispered words in a language I didn't know existed under her breath. It came out swiftly, like water pouring out of its container. Luca's face came to my mind; the slope of his nose, the paleness of his skin and the blue hue of his eyes. I imagined his skin on mine, his breath fanning my cheeks and the way my body melted into his.


I though out of absolutely everything. Our moments in the north. When he held me during my heat. The day we first met. When he danced with me in the bald when I cried into his chest the day I reunited with Slaiman. Our first kiss and the day he fed me his for. Even our fight.

My heart burst at the realization of just how much we'd been through together. It squeezed painfully at how well Luca had handled my breakdowns and my lowest moments. It also made notice how unfair I'd been, despite him being patient and understand with me. I wasn't returning the same energy he was.

So many emotions brewing all while seeing his sweet smile in my head swiveled a thunderbolt of guilt through my chest and-


My eyes snapped open and there he was, Luca, in all his suited glory.

I ran, slamming my body into his and wrapped my arms around his sculpted waist. He didn't hesitate to embrace me, squeezing me tighter than he ever had in our weeks of being bonded. Immediately, an array of sparks trailed up my arms all the way to the core of my body. Warmth, home and content spready throughout my gut.

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