Chapter 26

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I didn't visit Batool that day. Jewels were the least of my concerns and Luca said my kaftan looked beautiful enough without the gold. He even insisted that he could go to the market and buy me a set of jewelry but I told him I didn't care much for it. I was just glad he had woken me up an hour before the dinner; my grogginess would have made me late if he hadn't.

I readjusted the belt of my black Kaftan and sighed. Just the thought of having to meet with fathers new woman made my skin crawl. The only thing stopping me from completely cancelling my visit there was how beautiful my dress was; not to mention comfortable too.

I stared back at my reflection in the mirror and thought about how I would greet Batool. As a northern native, she would most probably greet me with a kiss on each cheek and I really, really didn't want that. Maybe, if I reached her hand quick enough, I would only have to shake it and skip the kissing part. It would be explicitly rude of me to do so, but I really didn't want to be anywhere near her. She made me feel like I was a lump of coal thrown away into a mine and she was a stack of gold.

As the Luna of the north, she would also be wearing a white Kaftan which made me detest her further because white was my fathers favorite colour.

Goddess, she had so much power over my father it scared me.

"Stop it, Leila," I said under my breath, "she doesn't deserve a spot in your thoughts,"

My mind suddenly travelled to Nader, the beautiful boy who wanted a painting with me. He was sweet, the definition of what a northern prince would look like, and nobody could deny that. Not even me. I was sure he would grow one day as tall as Luca and have shoulders broader than my fathers, but I didn't want to think about that. I didn't want to think about the newer, more polished family of my father.

I rubbed the area above my heart, feeling it twist painfully.

It hurt.

A lot.

Especially on Slaiman's part because he didn't bother telling me of any of this. He decided to stay silent while I risked my life for him in the outskirts, defending both his name and father's. I did so much for them, followed through with mothers prophecy while they stayed in the north and manufactured a new family for themselves. They even had the audacity to send 4 soldiers to look for me.


Suddenly, I detested the both of them.

I hated everyone except those two boys, Luca, and the castle dwellers.

It was only when I concluded that my heart felt a peculiar anger towards them that I noticed a stray tear leave the sockets of my eyes. I gulped and wiped it away, embarrassed that I was actually crying over two men who did almost nothing for me.

"It's only going to be a few hours," I said to myself, "you can do this,"

I patted down the skirt of my dress and opened the door, only to be startled at the sight of Luca standing behind it with his fist raised, ready to knock. I stumbled backwards, a hand held to my chest.

"Goddess, you scared me!" My eyes widened as they landed on the black velvet box he held in hand, "Luca, don't tell me you got me jewels,"

"I got you jewels,"

"Dammit," I uttered, eyes glued to the box.

My reaction was the opposite of what I was feeling, though, and I was sure he could sense it in the bond as well. I was excited to see what he got me and my heart swelled at the thought of him buying me something.

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