Chapter 35

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This is kind of a filler chapter, but it's still so cute! I'll try to write another chapter today since I left you guys dry for 7 days! Enjoy the graphic as well, except imagine this man with long hair <3.

2 days had passed and my monsters collected 8 more of their kind.

It was comforting; calling them my monsters. Luca did warn me that my Luna complex would set the more time passed but I didn't it would be this robust. That every action done for me would boost my ego to such an extent.

Kate refused to transport me to the castle for Luca's birthday despite my monsters needing at least 6 more days to capture the 32 rest of my order, so currently, I was trying to figure out a way to sneak out of her home without her noticing.

I knew I could have ordered her to send me there, but spending 4 full days with her and drinking her signature hot chocolate 5 times in my entire stay made me think otherwise. The order almost came out, though. Almost.

Silently, I tied my mask to my face and stepped out of the cabin. I wasn't going to risk exposing my face to some witch. I already had nightmares of their queen enough.

Fai was resting on the branch next to the crow, though her head snapped to mine the minute she heard my feet crunch the dry leaves of the outskirts soil.

I patted my shoulders and gracefully, she flew off the branch and onto me.

I concluded that it would take time getting used to such a powerful creature resting on my body, but I wasn't complaining. An eagle was such an ego booster and, honestly, at such a time, I would have preferred to be feared by strangers rather than approached by them. More specifically, feared by the west and the witches.

The worst part about leaving the outskirts was that there was no direct exit. The only way out was to follow the path of the moon and- even then, you never knew where you would end up. The west. The north. The east. Or even the south.

Praying I didn't end up somewhere in the west, I began my journey.

The trees of the banished lands had leaves so thick they covered the light of the moon like a blanket, but luckily, I was used to it. The little strands of light shining through the bent branches were enough to guide me.

As an hour passed, Fai decided to fly above me.

I didn't mind.

Watching her swivel in the atmosphere was therapeutic and even eased my anxiety when I'd find a witch coven hidden deep withing the torrent of trees.

Fai was smart.

So smart she would screech whenever a monster was near, forcing their attention to shift from me to her graceful power.

3 hours later, we reached the exit. The sharp line separating green soil from purple soil. The sight forced a sigh of relief out of me- allowed my shoulders to slump and my anxiety to lessen.

"We're here, Fai," I let out, chest heaving, "we're here,"

She came back to me and wrapped her coil-like feet around the bone of my shoulders.

The second I stepped foot onto the bright coloured soil, my soul felt light. A smile made its way to my lips as I brought my other foot out of the dark- until my entire body stood underneath green grass.

It wasn't until a growl struck my eardrums that my smile vanished.

"Who are you and why do you step onto Western soil unauthorized?" My head snapped to the tall man who spoke.

It just had to be western soil, didn't it?

Sighing, I spun to face him; only to be slammed with knives of nostalgia.

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