Chapter 46

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Luca's hurt swarmed through my chest. I felt all the knots that tied his heart, all the tangles and twists that I caused as I walked up the spiral staircase, tears strolling down my cheeks and my bow and arrow aimed north. His pain was my pain, his hurt was my hurt, his heart was my heart.

I just hoped he would forgive me for what I had done if I came out of this alive.

With every step I took up the stairs, the bombs from below got louder by tenfolds. The screeches of the beasts echoed through the winds of the outskirts, forcing them to sway the other way.

It wasn't until I reached the top of the staircase that everything turned silent. No longer could I hear the dancing of the winds, or the scraping of leaves. All I could hear was nothingness.

It was suffocating - crawling up my veins and clogging them with such intensity I forgot how to breath.

I untied my mask and let it fall to the floor.

In front of me laid a door I did not want to go past - but my will to win preceded my fear.

If she wanted to see me, then let her. I was all hers now - except I held a bow and arrow that would soon be aimed at her heart. 

I slammed the side of my body into the door, forcing it to break on it's hinges and fly open. 

"You can put the bow and arrow down, my love, I don't think you would like to face the consequences of my death," A familiar voice echoed, venom lacing it's chords, "Unless you want to kill me now, unknowing of what will misery that will cause you,"

I stepped into room, lip's parting.

Her back was facing me as she flipped through the pages of a book, long black hair cascading down the length of her slim back. Her fingers sported several rings - some large in their gems and others mere coils of copper. 

"A lycan with eyes of thyme brings the witches their cause of demise. A sword as bright as the moon strikes the heart of all magics cocoon. Revolution rises raw, and time no longer brews," She paused, facing me in all her beauty, "Until years have passed, thyme will no longer debut - only orchids with souls as dark as the night swarms the kingdom of all wolves-"

"Until the warrior hears the trumpets, she will remain in her cage, leaving behind darkness and rampage," I completed for her.

She smiled, head tilting.

She did not look 14 centuries old.

"You're much prettier than I thought you would be," The mother of witches said as she shut the book in her hand, not before it disappeared into a thousand specks of glittering dust, "What a pity,"

My jaw ticked, eyes glowing bright green at the rage piling in my blood.

"Let me ask you a question, Leila," She began, taking slow steps towards me, "Do you understand the prophecy? Do you comprehend what it holds?"

"Why don't you consult me, mother of magic?" I asked, toning down on my anger.

"Why should I?" She chuckled, "Your army is obliterating my own. You've turned my own witches against me. You are the reason I fight alone,"

"I thought you were all knowing?" I said, voice condescending, "I am not the reason your people have turned against you. It is you. All of this is you. If you think even for a second that I am the cause of your demise, then you are stupid,"

The witch raised her hand, ready to slap me.

I grabbed her wrist with lightning speed before she could.

"My daggers are itching to pierce your skin - to taste your purple blood." I sneered, tightening my grip on her wrist, "So tell me why it is I cannot kill you?"

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