Chapter 29

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Luca promised he would stay until after the assembly. I appreciated that he was putting me over his work, even if it were just for a few hours. He had almost 4 days of unkempt paperwork from all four kingdoms and wanted to see my father confess to his wrongs.

We were currently sat in the auditorium, waiting for the Alpha to approach the stage.

Luca and I were seated right at the front row and behind us cascaded the rest of the pack in order of ranking; beta all the way to omega. It was a foreign feeling- being seated right at the front of the hall. In the past, I was always right behind the gamma's; in between poverty and the middle class, so adjusting to this stark change was weird, to say the least.

His hand rested atop of mine and squeezed, spreading a comforting warmth throughout the entirety of my body. My eyes snapped to his and I smiled.

"Stop stressing. verde," He took my hand in his and placed it above his thigh, "your father will do what is right,"

"What if what he thinks is right is indeed wrong?"

"You should anticpate the better outcome, regardless,"

"That would simply be setting myself up for heartbreak," I clicked my tongue and sent him a wink, "best to keep the bar low,"

"Are you suggesting I didn't exceed your expectations as a male?" He rose a brow, "And please, do wink more often. The sight is ravishing,"

My cheeks heated and my jaw snapped shut.


"Never again," I mumbled just so that he could hear.

He chuckled and shook his head, eyes going back to the stage.

Luca Belluci exceeded not just my expectation of what my male would be, but my expectation of what a human could be. He was sweet. yet all the more powerful. Sinfully handsome yet all the more adorable and needy when we were alone. He made me feel special in a world where I most certainly wasn't and I adored it.

Our bond sizzled with passion that wasn't tended to. A beautiful chaos that felt like it was about rupture from deep within my chest, but I didn't mind it. In fact, being with Luca made me appreciate the chaos rather than detest it.

"All rise,"

At the guard's command, the guests of the auditorium all rose from their seats in unison. All except Luca, the king. He rose to no one but himself.

Wearing the traditional northern armour, father walked to the stage and nodded, "You may all be seated,"

I sat down and Luca immediately took my hand in his and placed it above his thigh, surprising me delightfully.

"Welcome to the 18th assembly, men and women of the north. Today, I come bearing news that may bring upon you an uncomfortable weight regarding the war of 1689," He took a deep breath, eyes shifting from the audience to mine, "however, that news will be replaced with something that I have been hiding from you out of my own selfish desire. Something I am sure will strengthen your pride of the northern leaders,"

I swallowed down my emotions at his words.

Goddess, I can feel my heart beating out of my ass.

At the thought, Luca pursed his lips to stop himself from snorting which made him look somewhat constipated. I kicked him in the shin and the laugh in his lips was replaced with lighthearted fury.

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