Chapter 37

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Can you guys believe we're almost at 40 chapters?! Because I cant. I just want to thank you all for taking the time to read my book and giving it a chance. It's grown so much thanks to you all.

I remember I decided to restart this book on the 26th of June 2020 and it had a mere 22K reads. We're now at 80K almost and I couldn't be prouder. I hope you're enjoying reading this book as much as I enjoy writing it. I hope you come to like the ending.

Toodles <3

Oh and congratulations to BTS for hitting no. 1 on billboard, couldn't be prouder of my boyz *sobs*


I was warm.

I didn't know whether it was the silk cover settled atop my bare skin or Luca's arm wrapped around my waist. It also could have been the blaring sun shining through the slits of the curtain of Luca's bedroom. Honestly, I didn't know.

What I did know was that Luca was sleeping soundly next to me, face soft and chest exposed, whereas I was blushing intensely. So intensely I could feel my pulse beat against the skin of my cheekbones.

How was I supposed to act normally after last night?

Witches were on my tail, the people of the west were being held hostage by the queens dictatorship and Kate still didn't contact me after I had left her to be there for Luca during his birthday, yet there I was, worried about what to say after mating with my male.

I sat up, holding the covers to my chest as I stared down at Luca.

Last night he was a beast to anyone that approached him, but that morning, he looked so sound as he snoozed his hours away. It brought a smile up to my face. One that wouldn't go away. One that brightened when he pulled me closer to him in his sleep.

Sighing contently, I rose my hand and laced it through his hair, brushing his soft curls and scratching his scalp. He purred, leaning further into me.

Good morning, maybe that would be a cool ice breaker.

What about, do you want breakfast?

What the fuck?

What the fuck?


My teeth clenched.

Without a second thought, I got up, showered and put a pair of his shorts and a shirt on. They were more than comfortable to cook something in, but they definitely weren't something I was leaving his chambers in. My armour was back in Lara's office and my red dress was ripped to shreds on the floor, so I didn't know how I was going to solve that problem.

Luca would do the deed for me.

As quietly as I could, I left his room and shut the door to enter his kitchen.

I cooked some eggs, drizzled a few northern spices onto the yolks and conjured some cheeses to put on a platter for him. To top it all off, I squeezed a few oranges and poured the juice into two cups for the both of us to enjoy.

Not even two minutes later, a crazed Luca burst out the door of his bedroom in nothing but shorts.

His eyes snapped to mine, relief flooding the beautiful blue orbs.

"Leila," He shook his head.


"I thought you disappeared again,"

I frowned.

"I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, Luca," I placed the food platter onto the coffee table of the living room, dusting my palms, "especially after last night"

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