Chapter 42

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I looked down at my hands, clenching them into fists once I realised what had just occured.

Leila sent me back to the castle - back to my fucking chambers before I even had the chance to explain myself. Before I had the chance to hold her and kiss her goodbye for what may have been the last time. My wolf was furious with me, even threatened to turn me rogue because I had let her slide through my fingers once again.

I'd only know her for a month - even less. For Goddess's sake, none of this was fair. I waited 80 years to find my mate, and this is what I got in return? Her leaving me once again and maybe for good?

My claws dug into the skin of my palms, forcing me to remember that I was part human and not a rabid animal. I knew for a fact, however, that if I wasn't part human, I would have sped to the outskirts and murdered Kaitlyn until all that was left of her was blood drying up on purple soil.

She wasn't going to be taken from me, not now, not ever.

Only the Goddess knew how much I resented myself at that moment. Only she knew how much I wanted to break apart every peice of furnite laying in my room.

Leila was mine just as much as I was hers, but why was it so easy for her to let me go? Why was it so easy for her to let herself go?

"Argh!" I smashed the dining table into half, knuckles healing just as fast as the wounds bled open.

My eyes landed on my door as a plan formed in my head - a plan that would hopefully lead us to victory. Except victory for me wasn't my people coming out alive, only that Leila would come back to me in one piece.

So I ran.

I ran through the hallways of my cursed castle as I linked all 4 kingdom leaders to be prepared for war. All replied but the west - the damned west.

Upon reaching my office, I began writing a letter that would be sent out to all 3 kingdom leaders with 20 of my best daggers. The contents of letters included commands to capture outskirt beasts, and once they were done, to send them back to me. I ordered the kingdoms to not rest until their beasts captured at least 200 of their own, and fast.

I would be doing the same with my best warriors.

I vowed to train my castle dwellers to fight with the beasts, not against them. I vowed to teach my people that their queen would come before their king - that the mother of all wolves would live even if it meant they didn't.

White hot raged laced my blood like poison as I ended the letter.

I linked two of my guards to come into my office and to bring my mother with them.

I would not rest until I had every enemy imprisoned until the next life. I would not rest until the moon goddess's balance was restored. I would not rest until Leila would be safe in my arms, without fear that she could pass the next day.

A knock sounded on my door.

"Come in," I snarled, balling my hands into fists.

Both guards I had ordered came in, gripping my mother's wrists with as she attempted to fight against their power. They bowed their heads to me as I stood, eyeing both of them to see any sign of challenge from their end.

"Tie her to the chair and wait outside the door. Unless I speak, you are to wait outside that door like unmoving stones. Am I understood?" I commanded.

They bowed, faces unmoving before they left my mother and I alone.

"What is the meaning of all this, Luca? Huh. You'd do this to your own mother?!" Again, she futilely attempted to fight against the metal restraints on her wrists, "Release me, boy. Now!"

"It's Alpha to you, woman," I walked towards her, a scoff painted on my lips, "Now repeat what you just said, correctly this time,"

"Luca, I said release me-"

I slapped her.

Never in a million years did I expect the first woman I'd hit to be my own mother. My kin and blood - but if my theory was right, she not only deserved to be slapped, but to die a thousand agony laced deaths until the meaning of death no longer existed.

A tear made it's way down her face as she looked down.

Guilt began swarming my heart, but I made sure to not show it.

"Now repeat what you just said, correctly this time," I gritted through my teeth, kneeling so that my eyes levelled with hers.

She swallowed, fear saturating her blue orbs before speaking.

"Alpha, please release me,"

A sadistic chuckle made its way out of my throat as I titled my head.

"And why would I release the woman responsible for a revolution against my mate? Why would I release the woman who tried to go against the fate of the moon goddess? Why would I release a woman who made a deal with the devil against her own sons wishes?" Disgust was a feeling I was becoming accustomed to when it came to her, "You are not a mother. You are a monster,"

Her nostrils flared as her ticked. She attempted one last time to flee from the metal holding her to the chair, but failed miserably.

"There is a thin line between a mother and a monster, son," Mother sat up straight, holding the posture she's maintained for the past 200 years, "You can't see it yet, but bonding with the west is the only option if you want to become the king that brought his 4 kingdoms prosper. But you are blinded by futile love,"

"I'm the blind one? You are a dog ready to get on its knees for the slightest approval of temporary power. It's pathetic," She was taken aback, but I continued, "I am following the fate of the moon goddess. You are following the lulls of the underworld,"

She was angry. Hurt. Betrayed. I felt it through our bond, but I felt not remorse nor mercy towards her.

"So you admit that you have taken apart in the acts of the west?" I asked my final question - the question that would determine my status as an orphan or not.

I kept my focus on her heartbeat. If she were to lie, I would know it.

"Son. I- I regret it,"

That in itself was a lie.

"Guards!" I called out and they came right in, "Imprison the bitch with the seers and kill anyone whose had contact with her. Make sure the seers tell you exactly who she's been speaking with and do not rest until every single one of them is gone,"

They bowed before grabbing my mother.

"Luca! Don't do this! Please. I am your mother! You need me. You need me there for you. Please,"

"You are nothing but a wolf who has betrayed not only her kingdom but her king. From here on now, I sentence you to life in the castles prisons. You are to not see sunlight, until your last breath has passed. Guards, take her and complete your orders. Report back to me once you are done or if any complications arise,"

And with that, mothers screams and cries echoed through the hallways leading to my office. I shook with the force of a thousand suns, and my tremors didn't stop until dawn when all 3 kingdoms I commanded reported their acceptance of my orders.

It wasn't until then, as I stood in front of the wall of windows Leila and I shared our first fleeting moments in, that I realised the Alpha in me had to prevail.

Alas, he was out and hungry for blood - whether that be red or purple blood, I did not care. So long as the enemy could breathe, my thirst for death would not end. So long as Leila was not breathing next to me, my thirst for death would not end.


Hello everyone! It's been a while, hasn't it? School and some personal problems are the only excuses I have. I forgot for a whole that writing was my escape from all that bullshit, but now I have rediscovered my passion for it. Please please please tell me what you think of this chapter. The book is nearing its end, and I want to hear where you guys think this story is going - also if you think my writing is going downhill.

Don't forget to vote, lovelies! Mwah!!

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