Chapter 21

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"It's been 4 days, Doctor. Why is she still in deep slumber?"

"I'm afraid whatever she quarrelled with has infested her blood. Have no fear though, Alpha, whatever it is is dying in her body, it cannot survive in her blood,"

"How so?"

"It can only thrive in dark environments such as the banished lands. These castle grounds are too pure for its soul," A sigh was let out, "at least that's what I believe is happening,"

"How are her ribs?"

"Almost fully healed,"

"Her fingers?"

"Brand new,"

"And what of her legs?"

"They seem fine to me. The nurses keep a constant eye on them and her nerves respond to our every test. It's just a matter of when she will wake up, now. Her body is almost fully healthy,"

My eyes slid open as a migraine settled deep within my head. I was in a hospital room, one much more luxurious than the northern healing rooms. This one had tall windows spread across several walls and beds instead of wooden planks. Immediately, my eyes caught the curtains that laid whimsically against one glass window. The sight of it calmed my nerves; it's every drape and serene flow beautiful in mind.

I was alive.

In fact, I was relieved to be alive and breathing.

"Leila?" My eyes adjusted to face the owner of the deep voice, "Leila, are you feeling alright?"

It was my father.

I gulped, turning my face so I wasn't looking into his brown eyes. They reminded me too much of the events of a few days ago, when the witch spoke of how she was glad to have married my father and how she would have done it again. It reminded me of the tranquil atmosphere of that cottage before we found out that mother was gone and I was alone once more.

"I'm fine," I croaked, throat dry.

"Do you"— he paused, "Do you need anything?"

"A glass of water will do,"

"Dalal, go get Leila some water. Make it warm and sprinkle some lemon in there," My jaw ticked at his answer.

I always liked my water warm and sour, just like my father did. He remembered, and I hated that he remembered. I wanted the memory of me and all the moments we shared to vanish from his head so that I wouldn't have to go through having to find out he didn't bother looking for me. Deep down, I wanted to find an excuse for him leaving me astray in the outskirts at the age of 12, but I couldn't. He was an Alpha now, he could have sent the entire pack out to search for me would have found me.

Dalal nodded, sprinting out of the room. She didn't even greet me.

"Doctor, could we please have a moment alone," His voice wavered.

The sound of the door closing told me that the doctor had left me alone with my father; Bilal Haddad. The Alpha of the north or, as I knew him, the lead fighter of the north. He was an intimidating man, tall and solid as a brick, with the voice of a brooding monster. It helped that he seemed monstrous when I was in the north and prevented several of my classmates from approaching me, but it also made me immune from fearing a lot in life.

I kept my eyes glued to my covers as I fiddled with my recovered fingers. Honestly, I just- I wanted to see Luca and tell him of the monster I fought. Maybe he would tell me he was proud. Maybe he wouldn't bombard me with memories I didn't want to revisit.

"Leila," Father began, "I hope you remember me,"

The urge to say no was strong, but I nodded nonetheless.

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