Chapter 10

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I locked the last secret corridor in place, making sure the cracks in the door were sealed with rocks and the key was nowhere to be found. The door laid at the very edge of the castle, standing at about 4 feet and was only accessible to those who were willing to crawl through it.

Most of the hidden exits were similar to it in a way, but I paid no mind to that fact. They were hidden exists. They weren't supposed to be inviting to just anyone.

The act of locking 34 doors in place was mind-numbing, but at the time, when I found out that my mother in law was the woman that was partially responsible for my parents' death, it helped lessen the rage blooming in my chest. The kind of rage that made it difficult to control the urge to stab my sword into the centre of her skull and twist until fragments of bone oozed out of her skin.

I was on high alert, too.

My wolf and I had gotten too comfortable in our armour, so the sudden bombardment of news was a brutal slap to the face.

We couldn't afford to be surprised.

As I walked through the cramped stone corridors, I wondered why Luca and his mother would think it best to murder thousands of northerners because 1 or 2 of them would bring them down?

It didn't make sense - or maybe I didn't want it to make sense.

Luca's scent was creeping through my nostrils, clogging my airways the further I walked.

He was here.

Somewhere in the maze of cobblestone corridors, Luca was here.

It wasn't until I reached a 'W' shaped hallway, each point a different exit leading to a different area of the castle, that his scent became bombarding.

There laid 5 exits in front of me.

I took in a deep breath and perked my ears up, heightening my sense of sound.

I could hear his steps.

They were slick - obviously trying to hide the fact that they were even there in the first place.

Just the though that he was looking for me after his mothers avid confession brought life to fire in my veins.

His footsteps loudened.

There were too many exits in front of me to focus on all 5 at once.

Without a second thought, I readjust my stance; ready for him.


I spun around, holding a dagger to his throat.

His eyes were wide with shock and his lips, parted in awe. He was hurt, that was for sure, but that didn't stop me from pressing the dagger further into his neck.

 I've never had to pause when slicing through a captors throat, but my wolf didn't let me go any further.

"It's me, Leila, put the dagger down," For a second, his arm twitched, almost as though he was denying his body the desire to disassemble the weapon from my hands and reciprocate the action, "I'm not asking again,"

Anger rushed through my veins.

I rose my knee to his crotch and stepped so my front was facing his hunched back to hold his hands as though my own were a rope sealing him still. It took every bit of strength in my body to keep him from moving, and I was sure I wouldn't be able to sustain him for much longer, but if it meant I would be able to witness him seem so defenceless for even a second more, I'd do it again.

"Leila," He grunted, squirming, "you are no match for me, you know that,"

"I don't have to be," I spat, kneeing his back and leaning all my weight against him, "I just have to do enough,"

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