Chapter 16

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I woke up with stones for muscles and submerged in water. My skin was clammy, as were the tips of of my fingers that wrinkled profusely from falling asleep in the bath, but I didn't mind because I woke up with Luca's arms wrapped around me and his skin on mine.

He must have been greatly uncomfortable in his wet slacks, but regardless, he stayed and kept his promise. That he wouldn't open his eyes nor hold me without my permission. Though the fact that he kept his promise didn't mean I forgave him. It would take a long while before I was laying my lips on his again.

Slowly but surely, I untangled his arms from around me and stepped out of the bathtub; a severe cold chattering the bones in my body. That paired with the robust ache in my muscles was not an ideal situation to be walking in, but I had to get to an infirmary. My fractured wrist would take about 5 days to heal if I didn't bandage it and I didn't have 5 days if I wanted to kidnap the witch and witness Luca's birthday.

I laughed to myself.

Luca's birthday.

I was more focused on postponing his wedding with the princess of the West than anything else. Goddess, I didn't even think of what my gift to him would be. A bird? The corpse of a bear? Those were popular where I was from. Maybe even the meat of a Jaguar? I knew for certain I wasn't going to abide by the castles tradition and buy him a jewel or some flowers. He was the king. He could order every merchant in our markets to give him a hundred of each of those.

What he couldn't order, however, was a momma bear slain by me.

I snorted to myself as I wrapped a silk robe around my body to walk out of the bathroom and into Lara and Hamza's master bedroom.

I still couldn't believe I was in Hamza's room. That northern brute hated me with a passion I most definitely returned, yet there I was, in his room surrounded by his most treasured belongings! The urge to sabotage him somehow was strong, but I resisted it for Lara and only Lara. That girl deserved the world for letting me rest in her chambers during my heat, and if it meant I had to postpone my plans to play with the brute's head, I would.


I found a notepad laid on one of the bedside tables with a pencil beside it. I figured it was Lara's notepad because the handwriting was feminine and cursive. Written on the notepad was a to do list that looked like this;

Tell Leila
• Prepare Leila's dress
• Train with Nixon
• Tell Hamza you're pregnant

I stumbled backwards, shock overcoming my body at the complete invasion of privacy I had just participated in. Lara was pregnant and I had no business knowing but I knew. And now, when she approached me, I knew for a fact that I would not be able to resist the urge to stop myself from staring at her belly; at the life she carried inside her.

Right next to the notepad was a pencil and I grabbed it without hesitation.

Sorry I saw this, but I'm going to grab a few items of clothing from your wardrobe and leave, I stared at my message, unsatisfied with it before adding a small 'congrats' at the end.

Would that be enough?

I didn't know, honestly, but I guessed it would do.

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