Chapter 17

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It was the next day.

I had spent all of yesterday trying to pinpoint which one of my acquaintances had lied about the honey eyed woman and I couldn't come to a conclusion. Or at least one that made sense.

As I sat in my room; dressed in nothing but shorts and a large shirt, I thought about Slaiman's speech and how he said we had to question the leaders of their intentions. It confused me because we both knew that the Royal Family were responsible for mothers death and the destruction of our pack.

Maybe, he was trying to prove to the southern and eastern leaders that the westerners and Royal's were not to be trusted. It made sense because the prophecy said that two northerners would ruin the Belluci family name.

What didn't make sense, though, were my nightmares and that honey eyed woman.

A knock sounded from my door and I stood up to open it.

Deep inside I hoped it was Luca. The lack of skin to skin contact was driving me mad and it had only been 2 days, but I had to go on for longer. 2 weeks to be exact.

I pulled the door open and Slaiman's stone face came to my vision.

"Slaiman, come in, please," I said, a smile coming on to my lips. It had been a while since we had a proper conversation— one where we weren't at each other's throats.

As soon as he sat down at the couch, he began speaking in that tone of his, "I'm sure you got my message. We don't have 7 days to get that witch. We need to go tonight so we can interrogate the Royal Family and bring the leaders on our side,"

"Good morning to you too, brother," I mumbled, annoyed.

"Ready yourself so we can leave this afternoon," He got ready to stand up but I caught his arm, stopping him.

"What's wrong, Slaiman. 6 years go by and you're not the least bit excited to see me? What happened?" My lips spoke faster than my mind thought.

"Let me remind you that the prophecy said a northerners heart will stop. It's best we not get on good terms and make everything easier for us if things go sour," Slaiman furrowed his brows at me, "what, did you expect me to be all artsy again? Surrounded by my paints?"

"Yeah, I did," I clarified.

"Well, you thought wrong. Meet me at the training grounds at 2 pm. The ride to the outskirts will take 6 hours and we need all the time we can get," He pulled his arm out of my hold and sent me a curt nod, "see you then,"

Baffled, I watched silently as he left my room and closed the door behind him. The sound of the locks clicking left me feeling hollow; a hollowness I hadn't felt in days considering I thought everything was going to go back to normal.

Why in the world would I think that?

He lost his child and his mother. Who was I compared to that?

"You're such an idiot, Leila," I whispered to myself.

"Why would you say that?" Luca's voice came from behind me, forcing me to halt my movements, "If it's that exchange with your brother, you're not stupid, but if it's because you're going to the outskirts again, willingly, then yes you are,"

I stood up from the couch and faced him in all his glory, horror painted across my face, "I- I can explain,"

"What in the world is a worthy enough explanation to the stupidity you're about to endure if you go through with this!" He was furious, eyes bulging out of his sockets.

"There's a reason for this, trust me. I just need to get something from there"-

"And I'll ask someone to get it for you, Leila. Why does it have to be you?!"

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