Chapter 24

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"To another Arabian night,"

I explained everything to Luca, my father and Hamza. We planned that it would be best to inform the other kingdoms when they were on our lands, away from the purple soil that had infested their own. Father already sent out invitations to all 3 kingdoms to visit the north in exactly a week, and I was grateful at how compliant he was. The way he reacted reminded me a lot of myself, just, much more composed than I was, really.

The witch laid strapped to the horse, unable to move with a rope wrapped around her mouth.

We currently stood at the castle gates, ready to mount our horses and enter our carriages. The north was the first to leave, the east the second, the south the third and the west the last. I found it awfully suspicious that the west was leaving last despite being the most troublesome of them all, but didn't keep them in my thoughts for too long. They weren't worth it. Especially that princess the Luna was going to wed to Luca.

A hand wrapped around my shoulders and immediately I knew it was Luca. He held a certain warmth and weight that made you know it was him. That and the trail of sparks he left behind, of course.

"What's the weather like in the north?" He asked, a small smile on his lips.

"Very hot. I insisted you don't where black but you claim that you will be able to survive the heat," I rolled my eyes, "typical male,"

His finger grazed the mark on my neck, forcing my entire body to melt in his arms. It was like a kitten whenever you scratched the back of her ears. Except we were wolves.

"Your male," He rumbled, "don't forget that,"

I fisted the fabric of his shirt and pulled him closer to me, a surge of confidence surging through my veins, "I won't," I pushed him away after that, forcing his back to bump against the carriage behind him. I laughed at the sight, hand held at my belly at the strength of my laughter.

"You're such a tease, Leila. I don't know wether to love it or hate it," He let out a short breath and straightened his posture, "now get in the carriage,"

"I need to check in on Lara one last time, please,"

"Fine," Luca grumbled.

I rose to my tiptoes and laid a chaste kiss to his cheek before running down to Lara's carriage. Luca and I had our own, Lara and Hamza had their own and father, Slaiman and his men had their own. Since Luca and I were the most skilled warriors, our carriage was the first one in front of Hamza's so we could protect Lara who's condition was still critical. Behind Hamza's carriage was father's. It was a good setup; great one in fact.

Hesitantly, I knocked onto Hamza's carriage and waited.

He was greatly angered by the way I ignored him yesterday night, so I wouldn't have been surprised if he shut the door in my face.

A minute or two later, the door was open revealing a Lara on crutches. Immediately, I rose to the stair of the carriage and wrapped her arm around mine, "Lara, you should be seated! Where's your idiot of a male?"

"He's finalizing the paperwork so we can officially be part of the northern pack," Her eyes shone with excitement as she fell onto the seat, sighing, "goddess, I'm so excited Lara! Hamza was telling me you guys had mountain's made of sand and markets filled with carpets and gold,"

"Indeed, we did. I just hope it's still the same, you know?" I lowered my eyes, "The war ruined everything, Lara. It even forced one of those mountains to tumble into nothing,"

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