Chapter 30

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Arent Luca and Leila such a power couple? I meant just look at them! Don't forget to comment! Have a nice read <3

The west had struck us.

Hundreds of northerners were reduced to nothing but a pile of bones and melted skin at the sheer power of the rocket the westerners sent us. As I stood in the midst of all the panic, hidden behind the array of screaming citizens and nurses running to aid them, I wondered why in the world they would fight us.

Why would they initiate yet another war?

Did they know of the prophecy?

Did they know I was mated to the king of all wolves?

I couldn't help but think I was the reason they decided to cold-bloodedly murder innocent citizens. It was this voice nagging in the back of my head- it's your fault. They want you dead, but they don't have the courage to touch you.

My jaw clenched and I ran back to the river mansion, hair swaying in the wind and dress flying.

Goddess, I was so angry I didn't bother telling any of the shell-shocked citizens to move; rather I just pushed passed them and even knocked some to the ground. I didn't have time to apologize. I had to leave home as soon as possible. I had to gather my belongings and run back to the castle where I would be with Luca- where they wouldn't dare attack.

I wanted to scream as I ran.

I wanted to curse the goddess for making the northerners go through such a thing.

I burst through the door of my house and ran upstairs, feet crushing the glass of the windows broken windows furthermore, and put on my armour. Without a second thought, I strapped my swords to my back and my thighs. I didn't want my family to think that I had run away without reason, so I wrote a note expressing my deepest apologies.

Suddenly, the witch came to my thoughts.

Hastily, I added that I would be taking a horse and that wretched witch with me.

Finally ready, I ran to the dungeon and sprinted down the steps of the underground cells. The guard protecting the witch's door jumped awake at the sight of me, eyes flying open and mouth slacking.


"Give me the keys to the door," I ordered, palm extending, "now,"


"I don't have time, soldier," I warned, "either you give me the keys or I will have to blind you to take them away,"

Immediately, he stabbed his hands into the pockets of his armour and handed me the key- hands shaking. I snatched them from him and stuck the key into the lock, opening the cell. It smelled of rot and death. Of nasty soil and dirt.

The witch was already awake, startled even.

"You're coming with me," I grabbed her by the neck, forcing her to stand up.

"What happened?" She croaked.

"The west attacked us," I kept my answers short as we went up the stairs.

She was mumbling words under her breath, not spells, rather profanities. The witch was terrified, and if she was terrified, it meant I had to be too.

We whizzed past the people and sped to the stables where I claimed a black horse and threw the witch onto its back- not before making sure she was tied propery against it. Taking a deep breath, I mounted the horse and whipped its back, forcing it to jump awake. The witch whose arms were still chained, held onto me as to not fall and I hated it.

The horse sprinted out of the stables and into the market, catching the eyes of several pass-byers. Goddess, I looked like a thief with the witch on my book. I just hoped father would explain to his people that I was doing this out of goodwill and not ill intent. I just hoped that I would remain the daughter of the north in their eyes.

We reach the border where two guards laid, up and awake.

Their brows furrowed at the sight of the witch behind me.

"Royal Guard, we ask that you return the witch back to her cell," The light-haired guard spoke, hands held above his dagger.

I swallowed before shaking my head, "I cannot do that,"

"We do not want to fight you, daughter of the north,"

"Then don't," I said, almost begging.

The first guard pulled his sword from his back and rose a brow, "We will not ask again,"

I whipped the horse twice and it roared, rushing past them men and out of the north. Immediately, the men shifted to their wolves and chased me. I let out a grant, urging the horse to run faster but it couldn't. No horse could outrun a wolf.

"Witch! Make the horse run faster than a lion!" I shouted.

"Give this creature legs of a panther and the soul of a warrior," The horse roared as its legs moved faster, "give him the strength of a bison and the heart of a lion,"

The horse moved with speed so robust I couldn't make out the bodies of the soliders that were following us. His speed was giving even I whiplash. No longer could I see the mountains or palm trees coating almost every inch of the northern desert- rather all I could see were lines; colours and shapes. His speed made the world seem like a stroke of paint moving through a canvas.

As we made it farther away from the border, I began thinking.

Where would be safe for me?

I thought about my initial plan. Go to Luca and remain in the castle until you can figure out the meaning of the prophecy the goddess had stumped you with, but even that seemed too dangerous.

If the westerners were unruly enough the attack us, knowing full well they still had debts to pay us; whose to say they wouldn't murder Luca?

Again, I asked myself, where is a place I can hide to protect not only the kingdom, but also myself.

Images of my past rushed to my thoughts. Memories of me longingly strolling through the outskirts begging to find a trace of Lycan life hit me harder than an arrow striking the heart. It was as if the place was calling for me, pulling me into its abyss by a rope.

So I followed its path.

I followed the path my heart wanted me to take.

I followed the path that would protect Luca, that would protect Nader, Talia, Slaiman and my family.

By sunrise, I reached the wall of tall, violet trees. The wall that stretched for thousands of miles without end. Where the green grass stopped and where the dark, rotten soil began.

The horse was too large to pass through the maze of trees coating every inch of the dark soil, so I jumped off it and untied the witch from its back.

"Tell the horse to run back to the north safely. Mention that, if I call for it even once, it will find its way back to me," I ordered the witch, "and make sure to mention that we are both thankful for its service,"

With gritted teeth, the witch nodded and began chanting spells into the horse' ear. The horse bowed to me, eyes closing, before running back to its home- hair swivelling through the wind and feet moving faster than light can comprehend.

I turned around to face the outskirts; heart beating out of my chest and breath stuck in my throat.


The prophecy mentioned that revolution would rise and that it would rise raw.

Maybe this was the beginning.

The beginning of the end.


This was a short chapter but it was short for a reason! From here on now, I will be dropping several clues. The prophecy will be slapping you all in the face and you won't even know it. You have been warned <3

Any thoughts? Opinions?

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