Chapter 31

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This chapter was so fun to write! Thank you all for your positive and expressive comments! They make my day just by reading them! Don't forget to vote ❤️ up is what I imagine Kate to look like.

"You could have at least helped," The witch mumbled, walking silently beside me.

I snapped my head to her, glaring, "Every second I spend with them is a second I put them in danger, witch,"

"My names Katelyn Warthorne, thank you very much," She scoffed, padding down her dirty skirt.

"Well, Katelyn, I'd rather you not guilt trip me for saving my entire kingdom from more fire,"

"But the westerners took down an entire city. I could have casted a spell and helped them a bit,"

"I'm sure you can cast a spell without being there, Kate,"


I gritted my teeth, "I'd rather call you Kate,"

She huffed, staring straight ahead as she rubbed the back of her neck. There was a moon shaped scar right below where her hair stopped; where I had marked her with my dagger. It was a symbol signifying to other witches that her soul was owned by somebody other than her- wether it be a Lycan or a seer. I was actually beginning to feel guilty that I was so rough with her because, while she did almost murder Lara, it wasn't really her that wanted to do it. It was the witch of all witches.

Anxiety swarmed throughout my entire being as I wondered how in the world I would take her down. The bitch had 700 monsters guarding her. 700.
I didn't know how she was able to conquer such a wild number of outskirts soldiers.

"Well," I began, coughing into my hand, "can you begin casting the spell?"

"What spell?"

"The spell to fix up the explosion, Kate," I said, running a stressed hand through my hair.

"I'll need to get home, first," She stopped walking and faced me, "give me your hands,"


"So I could take us back home, girl," She hissed, eyes angry.

Hesitantly, I placed my hands in hers. They were warm and wrinkled- like Ali's hands but much prettier and delicate. It was only then, when I was right in front of her, that I noticed she was quite beautiful. Pale skin, pink lips and bright blue eyes, she looked like a queen in the purple atmosphere of the atmosphere.

"You look very different," I mentioned.

"How so?"

"Much," I paused, pushing down my pride, "much prettier than when I first saw you,"

"Our beauty only shines in the outskirts, girl,"

"But I've seen much uglier witches in here,"

"That's because those witches don't bother caring for their skin, bodies or scents. They may also just be too old to care," She explained, "now shut it so I can focus,"

"Alright," I said, tone offended.

"Air of darkness, aura of fire," Her eyes slid shut, "take me home, place of warmth and no dire,"

The world blurred around me and suddenly, my feet were slammed to the ground. I fell immediately, gasping at the large force pulling me downwards. Never had I felt something so powerful, so robust that it was like a hundred rocks were placed right above my ankles.

"I forgot to mention that it's best you shut your eyes when teleporting," Though my ears were ringing, I caught the witch snickering once my eyes opened.

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