Chapter 14

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I gasped, eyes flying upon.

It was another nightmare; the same one over and over again with that long nailed, honey eyed creature. Except this time she hadn't caught me by the ankle; she caught me by the nose which confused me greatly. What the hell was my brain trying to tell me? Because I knew for a fact that dreams were able to signify whether or not my soul had been tainted by a witch or spirit.

Sighing, I sat up on Luca's bed and stared at the window.

It was only when I saw the sun peeking through the opening of the curtain that I jumped out of bed; still in my dress from last night. It stuck to me like second skin and made my waist ache. Sleeping in it for 4 hours was not one of my best choices.

My eyes shifted to Luca's closet and immediately, I rummaged through it, desperate to find a change of clothes so I could meet my brother at the roof before 5:30 struck.

I had a feeling his new persona wouldn't appreciate my lack of punctuality.

Finally, I settled for a pair of his boxers, my bra from last night and matching black sweatpants and shirt. It was that long sleeve shirt he wore the day we visited the dying fields and it smelled wonderful.

More specifically, it smelled of him.

When I turned around to leave Luca's room, I spotted a body that faced my back. I flinched, absolutely terrified at the fact that I had both shared a bed with him and changed in front of him. Did he see me? Naked and changing into his cloth? I didn't think so because he wasn't facing me.

He laid on his side of the bed, shirtless, with the covers draped only to his abdomen. It gave me the chance to admire his sculpted pecs and defined features; but it also made me feel severely perverted because I remembered not wanting him to see me shirtless.

Who was I kidding?

He would have loved the fact that I was ogling him.

I tiptoed to his bed and rose the covers so they covered the entirety of his body before leaving his area of the castle; my key in hand.

As I ran to the roof in my flats, I passed by a clock that read 5:32 and strengthened my strides, eager to get over the anxiety that was me meeting my dead brother. Or so I thought. While running I genuinely questioned wether or not this was all some sick dream my brain had fabricated to stop me from going through with my plans. Because that was a possibility.

Half the time, when I was trapped in the outskirts, I couldn't tell whether the creatures that surrounded me were real or not.

Some witches were even powerful enough to trick your brain into thinking a beast the size of a castle stood in front of you when really, it was a moth flying past.

Finally, I reached the staircase that lead to the roof and trudged through each step; painful adrenaline running through my veins.

I was actually meeting Slaiman again.

And I was really scared.

So much that when I reached the end of the staircase and found him waiting in front of the door, I genuinely considered running the other way. Maybe I still can, I thought. I'd just leave the key for him to enjoy the view from all the way up here and go back to Luca as if none of this had ever happened.

But I didn't.

Instead, I walked until I was 2 steps behind him; heart bursting through my chest and muscles twitching.

"Slaiman," I whispered, chest caving.

He turned around, eyes faltering for the smallest of seconds before that cold I saw back at the ball overcame. He coughed into his hand before pointing to the door, "I'm hoping you have a key, guard,"

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