Chapter 47

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Luca - Day of the war

I stared down at the beast I had just slain, watching in wonder as it's body evaporated into indigo hued ashes. It's lifeless eyes were the last to disintegrate, becoming one with the wind as it swivelled north. 

My body numbed, the sword in my hand falling onto the ground as I stumbled backwards - eyes upwards to the tree Leila had just pushed me out of.

How were they disappearing?

I looked behind me, only to see that everyone else's beasts were vanishing.

Was it her? Was she the reason they were disappearing?

Was she the reason the soil greened with every step I took? Was she the reason the scent of lilies and trees enveloped my nose? Was she the reason we had won the war?

The noise from behind me heightened in it's volume, consulting me in my theory.

We won the war.

We won't the fucking war.

A smile crawled up my lips at the thought.

Leila had slain the wicked witch of the west, and she would soon fly down with me and my beast and sing to victory. She would watch as all 4 kingdoms bowed down to her, accepting her as the one true Luna - the title she should have been given the day I met her.

"The war is won!"

"The east is no longer enemy?"

"Leila Haddad, the mother of werewolves, has given us a second chance at life!"

Various chants echoed from around me as my people celebrated, fists facing the skies that were somehow turning blue.

Leila was magic.

She was truly magic.

"King, is it true? Is it true that the mother witch is gone?" A southern boy asked, eyes glimmering with hope.

"Look around you, soldier," I gestured to the greening grass and the sun peeking through the thick atmosphere of the outskirts, "These lands are finally breathing. The heart of the soil beneath us bleeds once more,"

Everyone cheered.

My heart itched with genuine happiness.

Wait till you see this, Leila, I linked.

I turned to face the witches who had sided with us, brows furrowing at the expressions their faces held.

With my beast's chain wrapped round my wrist, I walked towards Kate, head tilted.

"What is it, Kate?" I asked, "Is something of the matter?"

She gulped, tears welling up in her ocean eyes before nodding.

My knuckles whitened.

"Speak then," I rushed, "What is it?"

"The second she entered the witch's cocoon, the guard spell had expired. My king, I don't know how- I don't- None of us understand why?" Tears spilled down the apples of her cheeks, "The prophecy said that she would need to hear-"

"The trumpets," I completed, "She needs to hear the trumpets,"

"I opened the window Leila ordered me to close a while ago. Please bring her back. I cannot reach her through our blood bond," She croaked, squeezing my arm, "But she's there. I know she's there. I can feel it,"

Without a second thought, I got onto my beast and flew to the top of the tree - a foreign hollowness setting atop my chest. I did not have it in me to feel. At that moment, all I did was fly. I had a mission, and that mission was to bring the owner of half of my soul back into my arms.

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