Chapter 2

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"The suit fits you wonderfully," The maid had said, her eyes sparkling.

She was young, very young. Her brows were thick, untamed yet shaped sleekly, and her hair ran down her back like waves. I felt the strong urge to ask her where she was from and what she was doing here when thousands of males would be asking for her hand in marriage if she even stepped foot outside the castle, but fought it.

"Thank you, dear," I pursued my lips, sending her a sad smile.

No child should be wasting their years grooming adults who were fully capable of moving themselves. She should've been running outside, chasing birds and catching feathers with her fangs.

"I've been instructed to send you to the Luna. It's only a short walk, right down the hallway on the first left," She took a deep breath in, checking my armour for any faults, "does it fit comfortably, madame?"

"Yes, don't worry about me," She nodded, gesturing for me to leave the room and follow her.

Her shoulders slumped when she walked, a clear sign that she was overworked in this awful place. There was this shadow in her eyes, almost blackening the bright honey hue of her orbs, one that I'd never expected to see in a 14 year old. In fact, I don't think I saw her smile once inside that changing room.

I gulped, genuinely fearing the doings of this castle.

We passed by several guards who sent me looks of envy and disappointment; that the protector of the king of all wolves would be a female rogue.

I was restless for peace, for a sick serenity.

The untamed forests were only ever approached by those who had been banished by their packs or rogues, and I had grown up in that wilderness; though I couldn't take anymore of it.

"We are here," The young girl halted in her footsteps, forcing me to do the same, my cape dropping to the ground.

She swallowed, turning around to face me after taking a frightful glance at the set of double doors in front of us. The young girl had hope in her eyes. At what? I didn't precisely know, but it made me feel something.

"Please, do your best to become the kingdoms royal guard-" The girl shut her lips as a male guard passed by us, fear saturated in her eyes before I bent down slightly and pointed to my ears, ushering her to whisper her final words, "The kingdom must understand that the females are worth more than balls and galas. They must understand that it is us that will lead them to prosperity. Please, prove yourself to the Luna, I cannot stand my status,"

A tear had slid down her cheek, pulling the strings of my heart painfully. I wiped away the lonely tear, looking her in the eyes intensely.

"What is your name?" I asked her, tilting my head to one side.


"I will do my absolute best to prove myself worthy, Dalal," I let go of her face, unable to stare into her gloomy eyes one second more.

It reminded me too much of myself.

She knocked onto the door three times, waiting patiently before a loud 'Enter' had echoed throughout the length of the hallway. Dalal trembled and turned the knob of the double doors, pushing them open.

A cold air had whooshed past me, evoking a shiver out of me.

Behind the large ivory desk sat a platinum haired woman of great age but youthful beauty. "Dalal, you're excused," I watched as Dalal scattered out of the room, closing the doors behind her, leaving me alone with the cat eyed woman.

I got down on one knee, my head bowed down in respect as my hair shielded my from her powerful gaze, a curtain surrounding my slim frame. Either the air was especially thick or my fear of her had sky rocketed, but it was getting hard to breathe. The armour began feeling like second skin in the worst way possible, as though I were trapped in it. I itched to scratch at my neck and free myself of this position, to throw myself out into the woods once more.

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