Book 2 snippet

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Alara Haddad

I stood in fathers office, eyeing the ancient scrolls of paper in front of me with a mighty anger boiling from within my chest. With white hot fire settling atop my heart, I picked up the scroll and unfolded it - itching to dig my nails into the preserved paper.

The son of the king is to inherit the respected duty of king. If not - the following process is to be abided;
i) The son of the kings blood sibling will inherit the respected duty.
ii) If for any reason the blood sibling cannot inherit the respected duty, his male cousin will take his place.
iii) If for any reason the blood cousin cannot inherit the respect duty, the male beta will take his place.

I took a wild guess on who would inherit the respected fucking duty if the beta could not.

Another man.

The door behind me opened, compelling my eyes to leave the wretched scroll and meet the intruder of my thoughts. In walked Hassan Haddad, my painfully tall older brother - the man waiting the be crowned as king.

"Any luck?" He asked, green eyes staring into my own, "let me guess - no, because I've looked into this for years and found no loophole,"

"It's not fair," I mumbled, glaring back at the scrolling I ached to burn, "If you don't want the position, why can I not take it? Why is it that every male can inherit the respected duty but not the daughter of the king?"

"Seems the legal scholars of yesterday had a thing for men, doesn't it?" He remarked, taking the scroll out of my hands, "I've read this one before. I remember it so clearly - the scroll that shattered my dreams,"

I huffed, a strand of hair flying out of my face.

"You know," I began, "If I was in your position, I would never give up being king to attend the royal university so that I could learn how to play the fucking piano,"

"That's because the keys speak to me. Not to you. The notes on my paper are a language only I understand," His eyes sparkled at the mention of his beloved instrument, "It's personal. I talk to the piano by pressing on the keys, and it responds to my every word the exact way I want to. When I speak to it, it never lets me down. It tells me exactly what I want to hear,"

"Enough of this piano conundrum. We need to find a way to make me Queen if you decide to resign. We have a year and 6 months before you're crowned," I said, shoving the scroll back into the drawer I regretted opening.

"Unless you plan on starting a revolution, nothing will work," Hassan remarked, eyes dulling, "I'll just have to put my piano to the side and sit behind that desk, and you can continue attending the guard trials,"

I shook my head, a fire blooming from within my chest.

"I'd rather start a revolution than spend my entire life sitting on my arse wondering what could have happened I did," I scoffed, "And besides, father can change the laws,"

"Father will have to face the Alphas of all 4 kingdoms before he attempts to change a law that exists in one of the ancient scrolls," He said, running his lanky fingers across the table, "they get a vote too,"

I groaned, head falling backwards as I leaned against the desk.

"Same," Hassan said, mimicking my exact movement.

"In an ideal world, I am sitting behind this desk, drafting legislation for the people of tomorrow and signing on several campaigns and projects," I turned to face Hassan whose eyes were glued to the ceiling, "In an ideal world, you are attending the royal university, learning how to lead orchestras and creating serenades that will move people more than even I,"

Hassan let out a shaky breath, thinking for a beat.

"Mom and dad agreed to send me to the university for the next year," He confessed, "You know, before I sign my life away to people who couldn't give less of a damn about me for a crown,"

My jaw slacked.

"Hassan, that's- that's fantastic!" I jumped in glee, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yeah, amazing before I have to leave and 'serve the people'," He chuckled, shaking his head before wrapping his arms around me.

"No! I'll make sure if it! I'll write to you every now and then and talk of my journey with you!" I exclaimed, adrenaline thrumming through my veins, "I'll make sure you get to die next to that piano, and I get to peacefully pass with that crown on my head!"

"As much as I hate to admit, I am hopeful,"

"I am the daughter of Leila Haddad - the warrior of all 4 kingdoms!" I said, "Do not doubt me. I will be the first woman king,"

"I believe the term is Queen,"

"Oh, shut it Hassan!" I swatted him across the chest, enjoying the wince that accompanied his face a little too much, "let me be,"

"For years upon years, I dreaded these upcoming days, but now, I am excited - not simply because I will be attending the university, but because I get to see you conquer all 4 kingdoms,"

I sighed with hope, my body heating up from the neck down.

"I will," I reassured, "I will conquer all 4 kingdoms, even if it means I will die doing so. The women of this century deserve to be heard. They deserve a chance to make it just as far as the men do,"

"They do," Hassan agreed, "When I asked father, he said the elder judges disproved every one of his feminist campaigns. He only succeeded when he campaigned for women to attend the golden warrior trials - and the elders only approved because they thought a woman could never beat a man in the golden warrior trials,"

"Those assholes," I whispered to myself, "Mom proved them wrong, and now, it's my turn to,"

"Indeed it is," Hassan smiled, eyes crinkling at the edges, "Your story starts here, and mine, it lies beneath the notes in my keys,"

"Indeed it does," I remarked, "Indeed it does,"

A warm shiver ran down the length of my spine as thoughts of my rule ran through my mind. Images of me working with all 4 kingdoms - the north, the south, the west and the east burst like bullets through my brain. Scenarios of me battling elders with wrinkling skin and falling noses rang through my ears like songs of tomorrow. My fingers twitched to grab my sword and run to the Hall of Justice just so that I could hold my weapon to the necks of those men, threatening them far more than a man ever could.

There's something the men in rule could not understand - something they could not fathom - something only I could show them.

That there only ever existed one thing worse than an evil man.

What is it, you ask?

A mighty woman, of course.


I thought I'd give you guys a little snippet of the next book! I'm planning it as we speak! Please forgive me if it takes a little while, but I promise I will try my best to give you as much as I can in as little time as possible.

Love you all and tell me what you think!!

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