Chapter 18

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A blizzard hit us; one so strong it bent the mountains and cracked open the stone grounds. The only thing that remained protecting us from the boulders of ice falling from the sky were the ancient trees and their thick leaves; and for once, I was grateful for the powerful shade they provided. I was grateful to be shrouded in darkness and flora.

The horses were determined, though. They continued running through the woods so much that my thighs ached from their constant movement, but I didn't mind. In fact, I respected them for it. I sat on the horse's back; all 5'9 of me, for a total of 9 hours and they didn't complain nor push me off of them even once.

That was also the day I decided that my spirit animal was the horse. Constantly running without care nor plan. A follower of leaders. Ready to accept my next mission regardless of my own health or tire.

It was supposed to be a 6-hour ride but we arrived at the edge of the kingdom in 10 hours and a few minutes. We had to pass through the eastern border because their lands were closest to the edge but they welcomed us with open arms. It made me envy their society and culture; even reminded me of the north in some ways but I held that thought back.

Maybe it was because Luca was occupying most parts of my mind, but it wasn't until I stood right at the edge of the kingdom that fear completely engulfed my entire body.

We both jumped off our horses and bound them to the green grass. Of course, we left them enough food to last 3 full days. We couldn't risk their health depleting.

There was no wall separating the outskirts from the kingdom, rather it was the colour of the dirt and the skies. A harsh line that ran for thousands of miles was carved into the ground separated the bright green grass of the east from the rotting purple soil of the untamed lands. If you stood miles away from it, you could stare through the outskirts, even catch the eye of a predator; but they couldn't catch you. Monsters couldn't live in our lands.

We were too clean. Too bright for their eyes.

"Remind me why they never built a border?" Slaiman asked, out of breath by the sight of the edge.

"Too expensive," I faced him with my brave face, "and it's useless. It's not like the monsters there could survive a day on our lands,"

Speaking of the outskirts made me feel stronger in a way. It boosted confidence up my veins because if there was one thing I knew well, it was monsters and darkness. I could spend days, months, years even talking about what laid beyond the regulated lands but that wouldn't even describe the depths of the forbidden grounds because every second that passed, some new creature was rising.

"Still, nobody wants to see this in front of them," Slaiman mumbled, taking his sword out of his metal belt as though there was a monster in front of us already.

I ignored his comment and rose my leg so my foot was hovering over the dark purple soil, only to have him pull me away by the elbow.

"Are you insane!" He hissed, eyes wide.

"We came here to find a witch, Slaiman, what do you mean 'are you insane'?" I scoffed, pulling my arm away from his.

He ran a hand down his face.

"What," I snarled, suddenly angry.

Did he decided to care now?

"At least— at least tell me what to expect,"

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