Chapter 55

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"We have all gathered here today to welcome back the soul who fought for our lands," Father began, standing in front of the podium, "As you all may have already seen, the fearsome warrior of all 4 kingdoms has finally arrived. Whereas our war lasted a day, hers lasted 26 wearying years,"

I took a deep breath from the side of the stage, fisting the curtain that shielded me from the northerners vision. It took everything in me not to disappear once more - away from the judgement of my people.

What if they thought I didn't do enough?

What if they thought I wasn't strong enough?

What if they thought I was weak?



"Leila Haddad is the reason peace has graced our kingdoms once more. She is the reason the children of today and tomorrow can roam our grounds with carelessness and without fear," Father's knuckles whitened against the podium with every word he spoke, "She risked a quarter of a century of her life so that everybody else's could flow freely, whereas hers, stopped,"

Tears crawled out the depths of my heart, begging to be let out by the hold of my eyes. 

I refused.

I refused to let the northerners see me cry. 

"But she is back now. She is back and ready to fend for her people once more," Murmurs arose from the crowd, further tightening the knots twisting in my heart, "She is back, and she wants to speak with you all,"

Father stepped down from the podium, turning so that he was facing me.

My life has begun.

From that moment on, my life in the real world began.

As I walked out of the curtains and into father's hold where thousands upon thousands of northerners could finally see me in my true form, my life truly began.

No longer was I a fleeting memory, nor an empty grave. 

No longer was I part of a long awaited prophecy nor a vessel in the potent outskirts.

I was Leila Haddad.

I was alive. 

Every gasp, every prospect of shock that radiated from the crowd consulted me in my mission to be reborn. It felt as though I were a blank canvas, waiting to be painted by the individuals who thought I had passed.

Father squeezed my hands, eyeing me with devotion so fervorous my legs weakened, before stepping of the stage - leaving me to face my people once more. 

I took a deep breath, oxygen swooshing into my lungs.

It was time.

In the front row sat the royal and leading families.

Lara stared back at me through teary eyes, a child resting on her lap and another sitting right beside her.

My heart tore at the sight.

Hamza, that damned brute, smiled. He smiled at me - a warm genuine smile.

An old woman with a shaved head, one that sat right next to Luca, stared at me with pride. She had an arm that was stained with northern inks, pattern so ancient it made me want to bow down to her presence.

"I will start off by saying that the war was won not because of me," I began, "But rather, it was because of you. All of you. Without the help of all 4 kingdoms, the war would not have been the victory it was today," My legs shook underneath the skirt of my kaftan, "I would like to thank you all for risking your lives for a cause you did not fully understand nor comprehend simply because a warrior of your blood was fighting alongside you,"

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