Chapter 22

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For those wondering, each pack represents a major race/ ethnicity.

The north: The Middle East and South Asia
The South: East Asia (China, The Korea's etc..)
The West: Europe
The East: Africa

Enjoy this chapter! Stay safe lovelies!


The Leaders were furious.

Kibibi Nyongo threatened to cause an uproar with her people on behalf of our loss. The southern leader, Kim Seokjin, supported Kibibi's plans and got his people onboard with her. The minute they were excused from the questioning hall they began packing to leave from the castle and promised to never return so long as the castle hadn't repaid us for our tremendous loss.

It made me emotional.

It also made me realize just how important my home was in terms of resources and history to the other 3 nations; regardless of whether or not the western leader spoke on our behalf.

I swallowed as I sat in my room, staring back at my wheelchair.

We had one last dinner tonight before the Leaders left to their homelands and I was excited. I could feel adrenaline sweep through my veins at the thought of my new companions meeting with the disgraced Luna one last time. The sole image of her face red with embarrassment brought me so much joy I honestly began growing worried at how much I enjoyed her misery.

Something was off though.

I hadn't seen Lara since my arrival at the castle and of all people residing between these walls, I expected to be greeted by her first. Father's words unsettled me greatly; that they hadn't seen her in two days. That meant one thing.


Somehow, I needed to find him and ask him where in the world Lara was. So without a second thought, I limped my way into my wheelchair and rode out into the hallways, dagger strapped to my thigh and swords rising from my back in X form. The wheelchair made me feel small in comparison to the people that passed me. It made me feel like I wasn't a guard, like I was something much, much less. I hated it with a passion but it's not like I could've done anything to get out of it. Whatever that monster was, it ate at my nerve cells and I was lucky I escaped the outskirts fast enough before it had my entire leg in its mouth.

On my way to Hamza's chambers, I saw Slaiman walking down the hall with Talia, arm in arm. The sight made my heart ache with desire and hurt. I couldn't believe I'd forgotten her face; the paleness of her skin and the blackness of her hair. She was stunning in the traditional way.

Mother loved her.

Sometimes, I thought she loved her more than me and it made me detest her, but no one could detest Talia. She was warm in every way.

"Leila," Slaiman breathed out, "that was a sight to see, wasn't it

I nodded, eyes shifting from his to Talias, "It was,"

"You did great, really, you've grown up so much," Talia untangled her arm from Slaiman's, forcing a frown to his lips as she squatted down to level with me, "Slaiman told me you couldn't recognize me during the ball and, well, I don't really blame him, you haven't seen me since you were 12, but- I just wanted to say I never forgot you. Everyday, I prayed and prayed so that I could see your eyes again and finally, I'm seeing them,"

She ran her knuckles down the side of my face, eyes filled to the brim with tears I didn't recognize until now.

"You were always my green eyed beauty, Leila," Talia whispered, voice catching in her throat, "you still are,"

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