Chapter 1

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I stomped my foot onto the ground and raised my hand to a trained salute, my other hand wrapped around my back.

It was hard to breathe, my throat drowning in the sensation of my fallen opponents hits, each bruise a patch of pins and needles. The world was somewhat blurry— i couldn't make out what the generals face looked like but I knew he was there, in front of me.

"You have passed the final round of the screening. Your next and final test will be primarily based off of your psychological and mental abilities that have any relation with protecting the king of all wolves," The generals tone was disapproving as he looked me up and down, his fists clenched, "You will now be suited up to meet the former Luna, whom which you must speak only formally to. After that, you will be excused to your flat."

My hands were shaking. My entire body was trembling.

"The females in this kingdom really are getting out of hand," He mumbled under his breath, shaking his head as he clenched his fist.

I looked down before my wolf and I said something that would have had us sent back to our home— one we didn't have. I am a rogue, something I am not too ashamed of stating to only those who ask. My status has served me some advantages- those being the ability to fend for myself, to survive in the wilderness of the lycan world and has built up my emotional walls. Granted, if they werent built up, I would have punched that General back to where he belonged.

The gym.

"Follow the Beta, he will guide you to the changing rooms," Those were the generals last words before turning around and giving the boys who had failed a speech that consisted of 'I encourage you to try out next year'.

"Follow me," I turned around and faced the beta, bowing before following him.

I won't lie and say I wasn't afraid. The silent walk was evident of my emotions— I was sure the Beta could smell my fear; my discomfort in this new habitat. It was all too much. The grand halls, the mosaic floors and flamboyant chandeliers that swarmed every inch of the tall ceilings. I wasn't used to any of that.

Frustrated, I ran a hand through my hair. Just how long were these hallways?

A shiver overtook my being and I wondered wether that was an outcome of the overwhelming win or the fact that I was wearing a tank top and leggings.

I chose the latter to save my pride.

"You did good, out there," The betas voice echoed against the silent halls walls, almost provokingly.

Did he mean to sound that way? As though he were making fun of the medal I wore? Or was that just my conscience speaking?

I pursed my lips and nodded, not sparing him another glance.

The title almost didn't seem like a win, but rather a slap to the face of what I was. A female rogue who found no other way out of the wilderness other than to sneak into the higher family's home full abode. To spread her feral nature into their royal blood and slither like a snake through their castle walls.

Yes, mother had forced upon me this destiny. She didn't die for nothing, but something about this castle ruffled my fur.

"You're quite silent for a warrior," The color of his voice turned annoyed.

I halted in my footsteps, offended.

"Am I supposed to be screaming right now?" I asked.

"You made it through—"

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