Chapter 15

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I knocked rapidly onto Lara's door, heart beating at the pace of a jaguar speeding through grass because I was about to have my first heat.

Goddess, I was not prepared.

Not only that, but my mother who promised me she would be there during my first heat was not; rather she was somewhere in the stars watching over me about to succumb to my bodies punishment for not fertilizing it's egg. The thought itself was daunting. That I was stepping another milestone without my mother there to say 'good job! i'm proud of you,'.

A shiver overcame my body.

I didn't want it to be today.

Really, I would've done anything to stop it from occurring that day, but there was nothing I could do to stop it.

To my surprise, Dalal opened the door holding 3 dresses over her shoulder, each a different colour. Yellow, coral, and lilac. The same lilac that was on the honey eyed woman I saw last night. Immediately, my eyes went to it.

"Who wore that dress last night?" I'm sure I seemed insane asking that question; hair stuck to my head and eyes wide as my heat slowly arose.

Dalal stumbled backwards at the sight of me, "Goddess! You scared me!" She tilted her head, "your fever seems worse than it was last night," She placed a hand to my forehead, it's cold dizzying me for a single second, "you definitely have a fever. I think your heat may be on its way; and it was some maid. I forgot her name,"

I furrowed my brows.

The woman was old.


"Okay," I nodded, "where's Lara?"

"She's out at the garden with the Beta, but I was just about to inform you that she wanted you to meet her there," Dalal readjusted the dresses on her shoulder, "will that be all? I must get these to the laundry,"

I winced, guilty, "Yes, sorry for taking your time,"

Dalal bowed and scurried away leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I better get going, I thought to myself, Lara's the only person I'm comfortable going through my heat with.

So I walked down several sets of stairs, enjoying the windows i was able to look through every now and then. The snowflakes were stunning, honestly, and in a weird way they calmed the beating of my heart down and lessened the way my pores would ooze out sweat. It wasn't until I witnessed a delicate snowflake melt onto a window that I realised; this was my first time in pure snow.

My steps quickened at the thought of feeling it.

It never snowed in the north; it was too hot up there, so I was excited in a way I'd never been before.

Thoughts of my heat. Memories of the outskirts. The death of my mother. They all slipped away as I reached the greenhouse of the castle; a small cottage like mansion made of glass and filled with flowers of all kinds that was attached to the edge of the castle. The sight made me sigh in content.

It looked and smelled wonderful.

I jogged towards the greenhouse and approached a boy the same age as me who was patting the soil in a pot. Comfort was saturated all throughout his body; slumped shoulders, a casual walk and a flailing fingers as he did so. He had honey brown hair and dark brown eyes accompanied by a tall, yet lanky frame of body. The sight reminded me greatly of myself when I was younger after father told me I was done training and it was time to shower.

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