Chapter 38

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I roared like it was my last day alive. With so much strength my eyes shone a vine green and my body laced with tremor. Never had I experienced something so ferocious in my 18 years of living. Never.

Without a second thought I slammed my head backwards and spun, grabbing the arm of my captor. With all my power I pulled downwards, tearing the ugly witches ligaments and kneeing her in the stomach.

If there was one thing I inherited from father, it was his reflex, and I wouldn't change it even if it meant I lost an eyeball.

"King! Grab the blonde bitch! I'll focus on the 400 year old," Kate shouted as coil like strings of fire extended from her arm and wrapped around the oldest witches throat.

Luca did not need to be told twice as he growled and shifted into his raven haired wolf.

Not giving him a second glance, I focused on my witch. She was the youngest one, a perfect fit for my experience in fighting her kind. I'd endured several of her demographic at age 14-16 and can proudly state I mastered the art of battling her.

I slid my sword from my back as she began ripping strands of hair from her head, readying herself to perform a reality warp spell; the most dangerous kind.

How stupid.

Only witches aged 200 attempt such a spell.

I spun my sword in my hand and slammed it into her thigh, hating the way her scream brought me satisfaction. She doubled forward, blood seeping through her lips.

"I have your face in my head, girl," she croaked as the witch behind her screamed at the pressure of Luca's teeth on her neck, "Don't make me-"

I kneed her in the face, watching as she fell back.

Just as I was about to straddle my witches hips- ready to slam my dagger into her heart, a hand snatched me backwards by my hair and onto my bum. I cried out in pain as I my head slammed into the floor; vision blurring for the smallest of moments.

"Show me your face, wolf," The oldest witches face was an eyesore, "get that mask off!"

She grabbed my mask but I didn't give her the chance to remove it for I bit her wrinkly finger till I heard it crunch beneath my teeth. The taste of copper filled my mouth and bile made its way up my throat.

The bitch screamed like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh god of the outskirts I command you to-"



If she completed that sentence I would be hers.

I rose my arms, wrapped them around her neck and pulled her head downwards- effectively slamming it onto my own. It hurt. It hurt so bad but it worked. Her eyes watered and she fell beside me.

"You bitch," She wheezed, coughing out blood.

Not giving it a second thought I rose my dagger holding hand and slammed it into her chest, praying to the goddess that it made it to her heart.

I jumped to my feet, ignoring the torrent of dizziness that slammed into and went back to my young witch. She laid on the ground, body limp and eyes open; yet her heart was beating.

Grabbing her by the hair, I pulled upwards and punctured her neck with my dagger.

She would be mine.

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