Chapter 7

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"You want me to visit the seers with you?" Lara stared at me as though I wore the head of a deer.

It was the next day - the day after Luca had graciously invited me to train with him. The thought was still in my head and the fact that I only had 24 hours left to decide was slowly driving me to insanity, but I could handle it.

We currently sat in her working chambers, surrounded by sparkling dresses and colourful fabrics.

I nodded at Lara, lips pursed, "There's something completely wrong about them,"

"Leila, you've- you've never even met them!" Lara spluttered, eyes wide.

"Lara, seers are supposed to predict the future using auras, objects, soil and nature. Words alone are enough. They don't need a piece of paper to detect things. They are the paper,"

A beat had passed before Lara replied. Her voice was vacant this time. As though she would do so much but visit the seers.

"Why don't you take Dalal with you?"

I stared at her like she had grown two heads, "Are you absolutely insane, Lara? Dalal is only a teenager and a servant. Seers are hideous old women that speak to you in rhymes and whispers. Dalal is the last person I'm taking,"

"What about Luca?"

My heart skipped at the hear of his name.

Images of his glacial blue eyes and large arms rushed to my mind and, honest to the goddess, I did my best to push them back.

I failed.

"They would never crack underneath their alphas nose. Plus, they would know he was there to interrogate them. Remember, they can sense auras," I pointed to myself, "I, however, am a nosey guard in their eyes. They wouldn't care, even if I broke one of their many crystals,"

Lara groaned, frustrated, "I don't want to go,"

I knew not to push her. She seemed to detest the idea of the seers, and, for whatever personal reasons she had, I had to respect them; regardless of the fact that I too feared to visit the seers alone. Lara was my first friend or acquaintance for that matter. I didn't want to pester her too much.

"I best leave then," I nodded before I turned around and left her working chambers.

One day, I thought, I'm going to try one of those dresses. The ones that surrounded every inch of Lara's private workspace. My favourite one held the hue of the deep sea - scattered with crystals that pushed out light from their very cores. It was a spaghetti strap - greatly fitted from the top and heavily cinched at the waist. The pleasantest part of it, however, was the way its skirt flowed like a curtain being hit by robust winds.

I sighed in envy.

Lara was a talented woman with crafty fingers and an eye for beauty. I envied her art.

Sometimes, being a woman with a sword was saddening, to say the least. All I could produce were everlasting scars and generations of blood. I could not compose paintings that would last contemporaries, nor could I create towering wooden doors that would lead to chambers and council rooms.

As I reached the end of the hallway, Lara's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Wait! I'll join you on your mission! Just let me strap my heels!"

I turned around to find her leaning against the door of her workspace, indeed, strapping her very high heels onto her ankles. The sight was worthy of a smile or two because she struggled greatly to balance the weight of her tall body on one foot, but, she eventually got it done and jogged towards me until she was by my side.

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