Chapter 56

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"Did you see the look on her face!" Lara laughed, slapping her knee as she collapsed onto the dining chair of her home, "She-She's a mess! And that dagger thing you did, it was amazing! Mark my words if another woman decides she wants my male, I'm using it,"

I grimaced, leaning against the chair in front of her.

"It felt good when I did it, but now, I just feel like a raging bitch," I admitted, facing Lara, "Luca asked if he could speak with her at her bakery,"


"I said yes," I huffed, jealousy boiling through my being, "It wouldn't be fair of me not to,"

"I would have never agreed to such a thing. Either Hamza would never speak a word again or pick the other woman," Lara took a bite of the one of the pastries in the bread basket that sat in the middle of the dining table, "She does bake some mean bread though,"

"Was she good for him?" I asked, watching as Lara's full mouth parted, "Alia, was she good for Luca?"

Lara swallowed the remaining chunks of bread.

"Do you want the truth?"

I nodded slowly, knuckles whitening against the wooden back of the chair.

"Look," She sighed, "They were good for each other. Alia helped him out of that lonely grave he dug for himself. A month after he met her, I think I saw his first genuine smile. She helped him live again. Before her, all he would do was wait. It was horrible,"

"Do you think he loved her?"

"Most certainly not," Lara shook her head, "I know when my brother's in love. The way he looked at her was not even a percent close to how he looked at you. Sure, he found her beautiful and sweet, but he did not love her. Rather, he was in love with the idea of her. He made it absolutely clear to her that he would pick you ever her in a heartbeat and never- not once made a move that would insinuate he loved her as more than a friend," Her head tilted, examining my downturned features, "Why the sad face?"

"I feel like shit," I pulled out the chair and sat in front of Lara, legs far too weak to support my own weight, "I feel like a mushed up pile of shit,"

"Why? The bitch lied!"

"Yes, but she helped Luca grieve. She helped him see the light after I disappeared," I looked down, analysing the beautiful baked pastries resting upon the table, "I don't know, if I was in Luca's position I would have wanted that too. Lie or not,"

"If it makes you feel better, Luca would have snapped any male who helped you grieve's neck - lie or not," She inched her face closer to mine, lowering her tone, "And trust me, I'm not exaggerating. He would be gone. Dead,"

"I know, I know,"

"She had ill intentions-"

"Her male died years ago and her wolf called out to Luca. What if she couldn't control her attraction? Plus, there was a possibility that I would come back in a century- It- It wouldn't be fair for Luca to wait so long,"

"You're far too good, Leila," Lara shook her head, tutting, "Far, far too good,"

"She never touched him, did she?"

Lara shook her head once more.

"She only held him when he cried of you absence," Lara's eyes dulled for a small moment at the thought, "She was the only one who could calm him. When I asked him why, he said it was because she knew how it felt,"

"I feel even worse," I pulled at my front hairs, guilt sweeping my body.

"Your Luna complex is developing, Leila. You can't blame yourself. The woman saw Luca as hers, and it was the right thing to make it clear that he wasn't," Lara consulted.

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