Chapter 50

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Luca - 10 Years After the War

Location: The North

"You know, there's this thing called manners where you don't eat with your mouth open!" Lara snarled, snatching the arabic bread out of my hands as Leil sat on her lap, "Mom, tell this rat of a being to be quieter!"

I glared at her.

"Lara, just sit on the couch! Leil look's uncomfortable enough as it is!" Rayan groaned, sprinkling a handful of chilli onto the shakshouka she cooked.

"I knew you had a favourite," Lara cried out in comical misery.

"Shut it, Lara. I love you both equally,"

"Yeah," I said, my tone condescending, "She loves us both equally,"

Not even a second later, I found the pita bread that was once in her hand sliding off my face.

"You brat!" I snarled.

"Suck it, brute!"

"I swear to the goddess I will-"

"Kids!" Rayan interrupted, forcing our eyes to face her, "Stop this! You both are old enough to have a civil conversation! Luca, you should know better than to argue with a pregnant woman!"

I sighed, glaring at Lara once more before a smile made it's way to my lips.

Despite Lara angering the wild beast within me, I loved her to bits. 

Ever since Rayan came into our lives, everything seemed so much more colourful. She filled the void Leila left being, but not fully. When I'm not training Leil and Bilal's sons, I am alone in the house Leila and I shared a bed in. When I'm not in my headquarters, signing off on pack work and drafting law's against revolution, the silence seeped into my skin like venom - but it wasn't as bad as before.

"Is everything okay, Luca?" Lara asked, eyes concerned.

I nodded, sending her the best smile I could muster up.

"That's good," She said, smiling softly at me, "It's just, your eyes went away for a second,"

"Don't worry. There's nothing new. I just wish Leila was here," I confessed, leaning against the dining chair of Rayan's home, "She would have loved you, mom. She would have loved Leil. In fact, she would have fought with me for training Leil instead of her," Leila's green eyes flashed through my memory, pulling at my heart for the most minute of seconds before I continued, "But I've come to terms with it,"

"Oh, Luca," Mother sighed, a hand held at her chest, "She was a wonderful girl. I only met her mother a handful of time's, but every time I did, Leila would be a wonder. Constantly asking if I needed anything," A sad smile graced mother's lips, "She was so young at the time. I think 12?"

The knots in my stomach tightened at the thought of Leila in her younger years.

"Come on then," I changed the subject, ushering mother to sit down, "Let's eat as quickly as possible. We have a ceremony to attend to,"

15 years after the War

I stood over Leila's grave, inexplicable emotions running through my veins.

"It's been 15 years, and I finally mustered up the courage to visit your empty grave," I bent down,  eyeing the rock with her engraved name, "It's been 15 years and I cannot seem to forget you,"

A sigh escaped my lips as I stood back up, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"I moved to the north. It's much nicer here," I admitted, "I turned my castle into a school. Wolves from all 4 kingdoms can go there to learn medicine, how to saw, how to cook, how to garden and all kinds of arts," I paused for a beat, swallowing, "I know how much you craved to learn of the arts - whether that be painting or music. It's why I made arts the biggest department,"

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