Chapter 48

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Luca - 16 Hours after the War

I ordered the death of the wests royal family.

With Kate's help, we managed to find those who had direct relations to the brewing of the revolution. We did not kill them. Rather, we kept them in the dungeons of the castle - a place where their teeth would decay and their skin will rot until their last breath.

I would not spare them any mercy, the same way they did not spare my warrior any mercy.

I would make sure their last words were them begging me to see the flash of the sun and the green of the grass.

And I would make sure to smile while doing so.

Luca- 4 days after the War

It was Leila's birthday.

The 31st of March.

A day so full of blessings yet saturated in dejection.

I inhaled the dress Leila had worn the day she visited me for my birthday, suffocating in the comfort her scent brought me.

My heart squeezed evermore at the sight of her attire, forcing me to fist the fabric in my arms as though she would grown from it.

Alpha Bilal invited me to the north to mourn her and Slaiman begged me to join them. He even told me it was what Leila would have wanted, and deep down I knew Leila did not want me to be alone in such a time, but I couldn't. I could not face her culture, her people, and not compare every single one of them to her.

I could not face anyone for I feared I would hate their heart for beating, and hers, not.

Luca - 2 weeks after the War

I stood in front of the great tree of the west, heart aching.

14 days had passed since the declaration of Leila's death and I still had hope she would reappear in all her beauty. That her green eyes would meet my own once again.

What made it all worse was that I could still felt her in our bond, withering as the weeks passed by. I just couldn't find her. No matter how many journeys I took, how many hours I spent sprinting through the once outskirt lands, I could not find her.

She was somewhere, trapped in a cage, waiting for the trumpets to sound.

Kate told me that the mother witch was not stupid enough to allow anyone to break whatever glamour she had placed on Leila - that Leila was the only one who could break her spell.

So I prayed.

Everyday I prayed that the prejudice moon would spare her the misery of figuring it all out alone.

Luca - 2 months after the War

My prayers to the moon soon turned into orders.

No longer was I begging her to aid Leila in her journey back to me.

I was shouting.

I was angry.

Leila did not deserve such an unblessed fate.

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