Chapter 2

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Leah p.o.v

I get to Lucy and keiras house, I don't remember much of the journey I was too busy thinking about the girl at Starbucks. This girl was a mess. A very hot mess, her hair in a messy bun, she looked tired but so damn cute. My mind was racing thinking about her, her voice, her energy it was consuming.

Beth was asking questions the whole car ride. I didnt answer her. I couldnt answer her. I was just as stunned as her. "are you going to talk at all tonight?" Beth said as we are about to get out of the car. "ye uhuh sure" I say hoping she'd be quiet so I can get back to day dreaming.

Beth: leah, stop
Leah: what?
Beth: leah you haven't said two words since we left Starbucks. I get if you like her or if you're seeing her and don't want to say but I don't want you to just zone out and ignore me, it's pretty rude actually.
Leah: *looks down* Beth I'm sorry. I didnt mean it. I, yeah I was thinking about that girl but I dont even know her. I can't stop thinking about her though. I really am sorry it isnt an excuse I promise I'll not shut my mouth from now on.
Beth: *smiles* tell me about her.
Leah: *looks at Beth, her eyes glow and a huge grin appears.

Beth's p.o.v

Leah tells me all about the girl she met. Right down to the fine details of the colour of her coat because it made her eyes brighter. I mean leah Williamson is being this soppy over a girl she literally handed a coffee to. I have never seen this side of her. I didn't know she had this side of her.

She talks to me about Riley for 45 minutes before I get a text. I laugh and show leah. *photo from Lucy to lionesses group chat*

Guys what do I do when my friends pull into my drive and sit in their car for about an hour and haven't moved?

Kiera: throw eggs at them?
Lucy: go get them then?
Tooney: hahaha lovers tiff?
Russo: what are they doing? Hahaha
Hemp: they 100% are thinking of an excuse to not go in. Hahaha
Meadoo: firstly. You're a stalker, Lucy. Secondly, blame leah for sitting in the car for so long. Lastly, kiera I'll deal with you directly.
Lucy: ahahha well you are still in the car so you wanna hurry up your wee moment and join us?
Tooney: why is it leahs fault? What were you chatting about?
Leah: nosey ain't you tooney. Coming Luce.

Riley p.o.v

It's now 6pm, I am Into the last hour and a half of my shift. To be honest my shifts went by quickly. I keep thinking about leah. I winked at her. I mean she winked at me but I played that shit so well. On the inside my heart was racing and I could see spots. I didnt even say bye to her friend but I was in the moment. I needed some redemption from my mess. My mind plays the encounter over and over again.

Once again I'm snapped out of my trance as a group of girls come into the hospital. I see them go to the reception, one looks kinda familiar but I can't think of where I've seen her before.

I finish my notes and discharge another patient. When I sit back down I see the name of my next patient. I laugh as it just makes me think of her all over again as if she's permanently stuck in my mind.

As I'm looking at this women's chart giggling away to myself, I open the door to the waiting room and say my patients name loud enough for the room to hear "Leah Williamson" I look up from the chart and I swear my legs buckled. No fucking way. "Riley?" leah says looking at me smiling. "hi" Is all I could say. Yeah the Riley that winked earlier with such confidence is long gone. Leah laughs and walks past me, as she does she whispers "not winking now are we, darling?" okay, I deserved that one but I don't melt for anyone and I definitely am not giving in to this girl that easily. She's hot and I want her but I will show her how to flirt and just how Intense I can be.

I take her to my clinic room. As I close the door Im snapped back to reality. "wait, you're here, why are you here. In a hospital, what happened to you? Are you okay? Im so sorry I was unprofessional I was caught off guard but I am your nurse so..." leah cuts in "Riley, Riley calm down, you're fine. I was just as stunned, I never thought I'd see you again let alone here and twice on the same day, but yeah I was at my friends house and it was silly we were messing around, I went to run away and fell and hurt my wrist."

I examine her wrist and compare it to the other. She must've been cold because she had goosebumps. Her wrist doesn't look too bad but I send her for an xray just as a precaution.
When leah returns I explain she's just sprained her wrist. We discuss how to manage her pain and a few more things before we are finished and I go to let her leave.

Leah: wait Riley! *closes the door*
Riley: leah?
Leah: okay, this is going to sound crazy but I feel like we were supposed to meet again. I've never met you before but we meet twice in one day and it's a coincidence? I just think we should get to know each other and see if there's a friendship there or whatever" leah rambled on and I just cut her off with a hug. To be honest I wasn't sure how to make her stop talking in a professional manner and covering her mouth with my hand seemed a bit too soon sooo. I hugged her. It worked because she's been stood silent for about a minute.

Leah p.o.v
I don't know what I'm saying but it just keeps coming out. I dont want to scare her off or come across as too forward but I can feel myself getting worked up trying to explain how i feel. As I'm talking I notice Riley coming closer. Oh god what if she throws me out of her room and tells me how weird I am. Oh no she's still walking towards me I am definitely getting thrown out. Just as I start to panic the short girl wraps her arms around me. She's really short, I hadn't noticed how short but her head can only reach to my chest. So she rests her head on my chest and her arms around my waist. I was shocked to start with, I could feel my whole body egnite when she touched my wrist and now she's hugging me, I'm surprised I'm still standing. I take her all in, her scent, her warmth, her breathing against me. I never want to let go.

Riley: *still hugging leah* sorry i know this is unprofessional, I just felt like you could use the hug.
Leah: *holds Riley tighter* I definitely did need this hug, thank you. Does this mean we can start to get to know each other more?
Riley: *moves her head so she is looking up at leah* I'd really like that! I work 12 and a half hour shifts three days a week though, so i can't always talk or meet all the time but on my days off id happily spend my time getting to know you.
Leah: yeah my work is pretty crazy sometimes too so I understand. I don't expect you to talk to me all day long but we can communicate when we are able to. I just know if i let you walk away from me for a second time without getting your number or a way of contacting you I know id regret it.
Riley: *finally let's go of leah*
Leah: *oh no she let go, did I do something wrong. Was asking for her number too forward?*
Riley: *notices leah is worried, quickly writes something down on a piece of paper and hands it over with a smile* don't be worried leah, I regretted not getting your number earlier on as well. I have another patient to see before I finish work so as much as I've enjoyed chatting to you I really have to get back to work but take this and give me a message when you can.
Leah: *takes the piece of paper and smiles at Riley* thank you. Sorry for keeping you and I'll talk to you soon. Enjoy the rest of your shift.
Riley: thank you and thank you for today. You made a really terrible day so much better but next time don't injure yourself just so you can get nurses numbers. *winks*
Leah: *laughs* I don't need to injure myself now I have the best nurse on speed dial. Who also gives me hugs. *winks*
Riley: *rolls her eyes* yeah, yeah. Just please take care of yourself. Your wrist could of been a lot worse and then I'd really need to feel sorry for you and I don't want you to get even more cocky than you are.
Leah: *smiles at Riley cheekily* *leans down so her mouth was almost touching rileys ear* I'm not cocky, you're the one that can't stop touching me.

And with that leah opened the door and left.

Let me know what you guys think. I hope you're enjoying it so far xx

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