Chapter 18

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Riley p.o.v
Ive just asked the girls to come to L.A with me. The craziest thing that's ever came out of my mouth. The girls all look at me stunned. "please say something." I say nervously. "of course. Id love to." viv says.  "I'm in. Sounds good." Beth replies. I smile and look at leah. "so what will it be Williamson? You gonna come half way across the world with me?" I joke and put my arms around leahs neck. "wouldn't wanna be anywhere else!" leah kisses me and smiles. "okay, we have to pack and get ready and I need to email them and let them know and we need to make sure we have everything. You all got your passports? What about suitcases? Oh suncream. I'm Scottish we do not have good skin..." I ramble on and I'm interrupted by leah kissing me. " Riley, Beth and viv left the room 5 minutes ago" she says laughing. What bitches. "well they are rude."i frown and leah just giggles. " come on you, I'll pack you fill out the email." leah says taking my hand. " don't be fooling me acting like you're being cute. I know you're only offering to pack so I wear all your clothes." leah looks at me and just smiles. "guilty." she says cheekily. "uh huh well that's fine but put a couple smart outfits in. I can't go to a record label in your football kit." I mean I could but i won't. "fine." leah huffs.

Ive just sent the email to Sony regarding all our information and leah had packed us a suitcase to take. She told me she packed some of my own clothes but she admitted most of it is hers. I laugh at her but to be honest I love wearing her clothes so I am not complaining. We head down stairs and decide instead of going for lunch together we would go as a group and talk about our trip to L.A. I am so excited to go with leah but this is a life changing opportunity for me and Im not sure how this is going to go. "what if they do want to sign me?" I say as we drive to a cafe for lunch. "youll be a celebrity and get us into all the best clubs." Beth says. "like you couldn't get into any club you wanted." I roll my eyes at her. It's like they don't know they are world class football players. "what do you want to happen if they sign you?" leah asks. "I have a job. I have a life where I can go anywhere I want and not be noticed. If I do sign them that may all be gone. What about us? I mean you're already a professional footballer and regarded as a celebrity. This would put speculation on us even more. Everything we do, every song I sing they will think of us. Half of my songs I absolutely cannot share because they are about you and people will know that."." you wrote more songs about me?" leah interrupts. I just laugh at her but she has a serious look. " leah. Every song I've written since meeting you has been about you. You've already heard two, there's at least a good 15 more about you. " I laugh but the girls just stare at me. " you want to hear one, don't you?" the girls all nod and smile and I roll my eyes and laugh. I shouldn't of said anything. "okay, I'll give you three to choose from..." i look through my playlist and pick three that I like. "okay, you can choose fro..." "wait." leah stops me. "can we each pick one song?" leah asks. "some of these songs are quite... Uh, well they are explicit." I say shyly. "nothing we havent heard already..." Beth says laughing. I roll my eyes but she has a point. "okay, fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." they each pick a song. Viv picked 'you say', Beth picked 'little bit louder' and leah picked 'complex." as we listen to each some I give some context to it." okay, so this is 'you say' I wrote this not long after meeting leah, she made me feel like i was worth something. I never believed I was but she made me believe. She made me feel as though I was free." it's emotional hearing these songs. They're personal to me. To my life and I only released them to the world as an escape. To vent my feelings and have no one know who it was. It also was to help others feeling the way I did and hopefully give them a sense they aren't alone and now everyone knows it's me that's wrote these songs and it's honestly terrifying. It's like the world has just read my diary and all know my deepest secrets. "I love this song." viv says. "it's honestly beautiful. Your voice is so good in it too. I'm glad I made you feel that way." leah says with a smile. I smile back and kiss her cheek. "okay, this one is 'little bit louder' I actually wrote this the night leah got drunk and told me she loved me. I sat at the bottom of her bed writing it as I wanted so badly to be hers and hearing her say she loved me made me want her to mean it so much. This song basically represents me wanting to love her but worried she'll not feel the same and if I showed her more affection would she finally want me as hers." I say. I'm not entirely sure if I should be honest with what these songs are about, I'm not sure if leah wants the girls to know but she hasn't said she doesn't want them to know so I will be honest about them. " I'm sorry for that. I did mean it and want you as my girlfriend but I shouldnt of said it drunk." "and forget about it." me, viv and Beth all say at the same time after leah finishes. We all laugh and I grab leahs hand. "i know you love me. None of it matters now. I made a pretty good song out of it so that's a positive." I say and kiss leah. "it is pretty good." leah says smiling. "now my choice." leah says happily. I cringe. I really hoped she'd forget about that one. "can you not pick another?" I beg. "why?" she raises her eyebrow. "its one of the more... well... None pg." I say. Attempting to sway her choice. "play it." all three girls say in unison. "you lot are nasty." I joke at their egarness to hear this very sexual song. "okay, this is complex... As you can tell its pretty, uh... Well, just listen." I listen to the song and I'm so uncomfortable. This is a pretty personal song and I'm not even sure leah would ever want anyone to hear it. It's basically what we are like in the bedroom. I can top her and dominate her. I mean it's not something you really listen to with your friends. I finally look up when the song stops. The whole car is silent. "I'm so sorr..." I start to apologise but before Im interrupted. "Holy fuck that needs released. Like ASAP. I need that song. I mean I know it's about my best friends sex life but its such a lesbian anthem." Beth says. "okay, I know this is a bit weird to announce but it fucking turned me on." leah says making everyone laugh. "really, youse liked it." I'm so shocked. "it's amazing. Yeah it's about our sex but no one has to know its true. That's for only us to know and I like that. I don't care what people think. That song will be played over and over again everywhere I go." leah says. I can tell she was turned on at the song. Is it weird to play your own song during sex because I feel like thats all leah is thinking about.

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