Chapter 64

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Riley p.o.v

So, where did we leave things?

Ah yes, Leah and I almost broke up. Wow, seems like a lifetime ago now. I guess I better catch you up on what's been happening in our little love story.

Three weeks after the article was released about Leah 'controlling' me, she left for international duty. Well... I say she left but...


"Coop, can we really do this?" Leah says as we pack up a tiny little suitcase filled with baby clothes ready for this crazy experience.
"What? Taking a three month old half way around the world for a World Cup and be away for a whole month in another country living in a hotel room with the possibility of us sounding like Sam Kerr by the end of it? What could possibly go wrong, darling?"
Leah laughs at me as I finish.
"You know, you don't need to stay the whole time. Or my mum can have Ollie for a few nights. I'll take a bit of time off to help as well. I don't want you to think you're on your own." I give her a confused look.
"First of all, I'm not cutting my free holiday to Australia short for anyone. Secondly, your mums hotel room is next to mine, I'm sure she'll be round all the time to watch Ollie blow bubbles. And thirdly, who says I'm alone? I have your mum, your entire family actually. Plus the best aunties in the world who will be in the hotel with us as well and has already agreed to take him whenever they can. Ollie and I will be fine, you're only down the road from us."
"No bedtime stories or getting to tuck him in though." Her face drops as she says this.
"If it's a late game I'll put him to bed, if it's an early game you can put him to bed. It's about balance baby. We got this." She kisses my head as we finish up packing so we are ready for tomorrow to fly to Australia.

*end of flashback*

So yeah, Ollie and I went with Leah, although it definitely wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.


"Riley, sweetheart, we are leaving." Amanda lightly knocks on the door again. I know if I don't answer she will get worried but I also can't let her see me in this state.
"Please open the door bubs." I can hear the worry in her voice and I can't put her through that. I wash my face quickly and try to fix my hair the best I could. Putting a tiny amount of makeup on to disguise my puffy eyes and red cheeks from crying. I open the door to find Amanda looking at me with a worried expression.
"Hey, sorry I'm not really feeling lunch today, I'll just see you at the game later?" I don't make eye contact but I know she's staring at me.
"Talk to me Riley, is it Ollie?"
"No, he's settled. Everything is okay." I lie.
"Can I come in?"
"What about lunch with the others? You'll be late."
"I never really fancied going anyway. I'd much rather spend some time with my daughter and grandson."

Yeah I wish I was spending time with your daughter too.

Amanda spent time with Ollie, hearing him giggle away as she hides behind her hands and plays peek a boo its so cute it makes my heartache more.
"Have you spoke to Leah today?" Amanda finally asks me.
"She text this morning and called when ollie was in the bath to see him." I say, staring into space as I talk about my wife.
"You know she misses you." I almost laugh at her comment.
"Yeah, I know."
The thing is, I do know. Yet every time she calls she focuses on ollie, which I understand, but by the time she asks about him and talks to him through the camera, it's time for her to go. I've barely been able to ask her how her training is going and she hasn't asked me how I am. We say 'I love you' at the end of every call but that's about all we do to reassure each other. I miss her, I miss us but I know I'm just being selfish by asking her to give up more of her spare time for me so I just don't mention it.

A few hours pass, Amanda allows me some time to myself to get ready for Leah's game tonight. The first in the tournament so it's a big one and sets the bar for all the other games they have. Leah's nervous, obviously but she said having us there will help her so she has gotten us a area where we can watch the game and bring Ollie, no one should be able to see him whilst he is in his pram but it's also getting into the stadium without any fans approaching us.

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